Page 10 of Claiming Her as a Daddy
“I have to ask,” I say in a whisper. “Did you meet your billionaire too?”
She bites her lips and nods silently.
“Did you?”
I nod.
“Yes. Did you have any inkling when we got on the plane that this was going to happen?” I ask. “I mean, I genuinely thought we were coming to Maruba to work as hostesses, and now my billionaire tells me that the real name of Maruba is Billionaires Island? Supposedly they’re a debauched group of guys who want to indulge in all sorts of shenanigans without the press watching.”
Amelia bites her lips and nods.
“Yeah, that’s what Evan told me too,” she says. “He’s my billionaire,” she clarifies quickly as her cheeks go pink. “We met right after I left you.”
I nod, and we continue to scurry to the cafeteria.
“Did he come by your room?” I ask in a hesitant tone.
She nods and then smiles brilliantly.
“Yeah, and he was so nice and so handsome too,” she says with flushed cheeks. “Evan, I mean. We sat on the bed and talked a little and he told me a little about this place, and what it means to him, and how much he enjoys it here.”
I try to look casual as we enter the dining area and pick up our trays. It’s like a big college mess hall, except that only a few food items are set out, and I begin scooping some macaroni and cheese, as well as some steamed broccoli onto my plate.
“Did he say anything else?” I ask in a nonchalant tone. “It’s so great that you guys met and seem to get along so well.”
She nods, her cheeks flushed.
“I know right? Usually boys don’t like me back home, but Evan was so attentive and so nice. And yes, there was more,” she confesses.
Ah ha. Here it is. Here’s where she’s going to admit that she’s actually carrying Evan’s baby now after a half-hour of wild, no holds barred, steaminess. Amelia blushes even pinker and sets her tray down at a long table.
“Well, he held my hand and then we kissed,” she finishes almost in a whisper while shooting me a shy smile. “It was my first kiss, but it was so passionate and loving,” she breathes. “He had his hand on the back of my head just so, like this,” she demonstrates on her own skull, “and then he brought my face forward, and his lips were open like this,” she says while miming the action. Now, Amelia looks like she’s blowing bubbles underwater with her arms in contorted positions.
But I force myself to be patient.
“That sounds amazing,” I gush, as if she’s just let me in on a huge, wonderful secret. “But was there anything else? Did you guys do anything, you know, more than that?”
Amelia shakes her head, but then nods.
“He held my hand and told me we’d go slow when the time came,” she murmurs shyly. “Isn’t that crazy? I know I shouldn’t be like this because I’ve only met Evan once, but I can’t wait,” she admits. “He’s so handsome and absolutely mind-blowing, and the truth is Ava, I’ve been waiting for the right one for a really long time.”
I stare at her. Am I the only one who’s sane on this island?
“Amelia, wait just a moment. Slow down. Do you hear yourself? You just said yourself that you’ve only met Evan once. So why would you be ready to give your virginity to him? You are a virgin, aren’t you?”
The plump girl nods and blushes again.
“Well, I suppose so, yes. I know it doesn’t really make sense, but Evan makes me feel so comfortable. It’s like I already knew him from a past life, don’t you see? It’s so easy to be around him, and the conversation really flows between us,” she says hesitantly before taking a bite of her corn. “Besides, for someone like me, Ava, that’s a lot. I mean, I don’t get guys. Ever. So to have a rich billionaire interested in me? Well, it makes me feel really wanted for the first time in my life.”
I take a moment to think. My new friend has a point because it’s not like men are lining up to meet me either. In fact, I’d say the opposite is true. Usually I’m so sassy and feisty, that if anything, I drive men away. Call me the Man Repeller. So maybe Amelia has a point. She reads my mind while taking another bite of her corn.
“My guy is really hot, Ava. Is yours too? I mean, Evan told me a little about what they do here. The island was set up to be a private idyll for them, so that the billionaires can do whatever they want. Every billionaire is different, but he assured me that all the girls are treated really well, and some even ask to come back. Plus, Evan said that there are only three billionaires on the island right now: himself, your guy, and the guy who requested the triplets. They’re are all friends too. Brett, the guy who requested Mandy, Tandy and Candy, is the most depraved one which is why I wasn’t surprised when we walked by their room and heard all those sounds, but Evan says that he’s not like that. He likes curvy women one at a time, is what he told me.”