Page 5 of Dirty (Diamondback MC 1)
“Funny how everyone gets trampled on when it was related to those girls. I suppose we’re lucky they aren’t mandating drug tests.” I’m sure it’s only a matter of time. We signed a contract with the club when we were hired stating that they could pop us for random drug tests when they deem it necessary.
“Nothing would shock me. See you in a bit!” I enter the dressing room, and it looks like a fucking bomb exploded. My clothes are strewn outside of the locker, my stage makeup and hair products are tipped over, some broken, some not. I grab my bottle of water, opening the cap because even in a club you work at, you never leave a drink unattended. That’s part of the reason I have a small mini fridge back here, just for my waters. I’m obnoxious, I know, but I’d rather be safe than sorry. I take a few gulps, pick up my clothes, trash the things that aren’t usable anymore, and sit my ass down before changing. I don’t usually do private lap dances. I’d rather be out in the open or work with another girl if we have a room to do. Being alone with a paying customer isn’t my idea of a great time. There’re too many variables as to what could go wrong—not being smart enough and the potential of the client wanting way more than I’m willing to give.
“Break time is up, Raven. Room six,” Mack barrels into the dressing room stating.
“Glad I wasn’t changing, dickhead.” Everyone knows there’s no men allowed back here, and if there needs to be one, they knock first.
“I’m about done with your mouth today. Get ready, and don’t keep him waiting.” Clearly, his baby mamma drama and Razor being here are going to his head.
“I can leave now. There’s another club I can dance at and not be harassed near as much as the shit you’re spewing today. Especially after I did you a solid, hmm?” I watch as he swallows down my words.
“Please, Raven, just this once, do what I’m asking you to. If this doesn’t work out, you know they’ve got no problem replacing not only me but the dancers as well.” Lookie there, it seems Mack is going to return to being a human after all.
“I’ll do it, but next time you do a search, try not to break so much shit. I’m not sure what’s got your panties in a bunch, but if this is how it’s going to play out, consider this my two-weeks’ notice.” So what if it takes me longer to get my dance studio? There’s no way I’ll let anyone treat me like I’m the gum on the bottom of their shoe.
“I hear what you’re saying, loud and clear.” I guess that’s his way of apologizing because he’s already out of the room, leaving me to get ready for the no-name client in room number six.
I should have known Raven wouldn’t puss out. It may have taken her longer to get her shit together, not to mention I heard every single thing that went down. I wasn’t waiting in the room. Fuck that shit. I watched everything through the monitors even when Mack was bein’ a dick. There’s no reason Raven has to give me a lap dance. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to see it or feel her. Even with the no-hands policy. Though, I’d bet my bike she’d be greedy and beg for my hands to be all over her.
That’s why I’m barely seated on the couch when she makes her grand entrance. Raven is wearing a black bra and panties, a fishnet something or other on her top that wraps her tits, making them look bigger than the handful I already know they are. She doesn’t realize who’s sitting in here. If she knew, I’m sure she’d run out of here like the flames of hell were on her heels.
She still hasn’t seen me. I prefer it that way. Fuck, if I could, I’d blindfold her while she’s giving me the lap dance of a lifetime. That’s not going to happen, yet at least. I watch as Raven gets on stage. The music pumping through the speakers is edgy, and the way her leg hooks on the pole, opening her up, I’ll be lucky not to nut in my pants like some fuckin’ prospect.
“Come here, spitfire,” I break the silence after a few minutes of her dancing. Raven hasn’t taken anything off yet, and when she does, I want her in my lap, tits in my face, and her beggin’ for me to lick, suck, and bite her nipples.
“I should have known better. There’s no way I’m giving you a lap dance, Razor.” She steps down from the stage, strutting her shit, making me want her more.