Page 18 of Dirty (Diamondback MC 1)
We pull into Raven’s complex, a sense of dread sinking in the pit of my stomach. Cops and ambulances are surrounding the place.
“Fuck,” I groan, parking my bike, shutting it off. Ruger does the same beside me.
“Go find your woman. I’ll deal with the cops. With any luck, Rowdy will be working today, and we’ll get all the information we could ever want.” I nod my head. No one stops me as I navigate my way through the crowd, probably scared out of their fuckin’ minds seeing two Diamondback MC members walking their way.
Raven lives on the second floor. I take the stairs two at a time, not even thinking to use the elevator. There’s no way my patience would let me wait any longer than I’d have to. There’s a crowd when I exit the stairwell. “Excuse me,” I clear my throat, making my way to her.
“Razor.” Rowdy’s trying to get my attention through all the noise of Raven’s neighbors and the paramedics.
“I’m assuming the owner of the apartment is yours and that’s why you’re here.” We’ve tried like hell to get Rowdy to come to the dark side. No luck as of yet. One day, I think he will though, but for now it’s nice to know we have someone on the force in our corner.
“Yep, she okay? The phone call I got from her wasn’t pretty.” I’m trying to hold my shit together, but it’s on a pretty tight string.
“The neighbors called, heard a disturbance. I was the first one here, saw her phone on the ground and realized who she had dialed. Though that was after the ambulances came. What we now know as the mother is wanting to press charges, but the fact that Raven was unconscious and she kept trying to attack her after we already pulled the mother off her made us see what happened.” I didn’t turn my phone off the whole way here, just kept it close to my heart praying that she’d know the entire time I was coming for her.
“Where’s Raven?”
“She’s sitting on the couch, refusing to go to the hospital. Swears she’s fine and this isn’t her first rodeo.” Rowdy chuckles at that. If her childhood was anything to go by, I’d say she’s right.
“Thanks, man.” I pat him on his shoulder. He knows the club will send him money later on for watching out for us. Right now, the only thing I care about is getting to Raven and seeing she’s okay with my own two eyes.
“Maddox, I’m fine. I promise. Go take care of things and then come back to me. I’m just going to take some pain meds and sleep. There’s no use in you watching me do that.” In his bed is where I’ve been since I put my foot down adamantly last night when everyone wanted me to go to the hospital. It was Shovel who finally told Maddox to can it. Doc, the man is a member of the club and also served as a Medic would check me over, and we’d go from there. After the questions that I assumed would go on for hours from the cops but didn’t, Maddox never left my side until my apartment was finally cleared out. And even then, he wouldn’t budge. There was something to be said about him being the protective alpha growly caveman when I was hurt, which I was, but there was no way I’d ever elaborate on that, or I’d be locked in his room at the club until any and all bruising subsided.
“Knowing that doesn’t mean I’m ready to leave yet.” I roll my eyes. I can see the pull between wanting to stay with me and dealing with ‘club business’, as he put it. There’s nothing they can do about my mother. She was carted off to the hospital in handcuffs, and from there she’d go to jail. Maddox grumbled about that too, not that I could completely understand what he said but I got the gist.
“How about this, I promise I won’t leave the bed unless it’s to pee until you get back. Not even for food or a shower.” I look over to the plethora of snacks and drinks that everyone has brought up to me. That’s something else I wasn’t used to, being fussed over. It’s the weirdest thing ever, and it’s definitely going to take some adjustment on my part.
“Fine, but you get up and do anything you shouldn’t, I’ll smack your ass red once you’re all healed up.” He kisses me softly on the corner of my mouth. Stupid injury. Not only did she punch me on the chin, busting my lip, but when the cops came, she was punching me in the ribs. I guess the lamp to her head didn’t deter dear old mom from coming after me like a freight train, meaning I’m now sporting some nice bruises and fractured ribs.