Page 10 of Dirty (Diamondback MC 1)
While I was busy packing my backpack, knowing it’d have to be light on the Harley, and changing my outfit, desperately wanting a shower because I was a sweaty mess, I told Selena what was going on. She was ready to come pick me up at the drop of a hat. My only worry was that she was hours away with her now husband, Rhett, plus the little fact that my dear old mom knew who my friends were and what I did; the better if what Maddox is thinking is true at least.
Now, I’m stuck in Maddox’s room at the club. The tour was abrupt to say the least. It looked like a warehouse that was converted into a club at the lower level. Exposed wood beams, red brick covering the walls, and concrete flooring showed off its masculinity. The bar was just that, nothing fancy, and clearly the only thing they served was beer, whiskey, and tequila, if the bottles were anything to go by.
I was barely introduced to the President, Shovel, before I was practically dumped into Maddox’s room. I went to put up a fight but saw the set in his jaw and quit while I was ahead. So, I did what any other woman would do and snooped. The room wasn’t very big and held a king-size bed against the exposed brick, a couple of mismatched and seen-better-days nightstands, and a dresser with a mirror attached rounded out the furniture. Thankfully, the room was clean, because there was no way I’d sleep in something that was a pigsty. I looked behind one of the two doors. It was a closet. Nothing too exciting there—clothes, shoes, and a gun safe.
“This is boring,” I mumble to the room, moving to my bag to find a change of clothes, my toiletries, and then walking to the other door that is closed, already knowing it’s a bathroom. If I had to use a communal shower like you hear about in some places, let’s just say I wouldn’t be showering for the entirety of my stay. That would go as well as me wearing an orange jumpsuit, another reason why prison wouldn’t work out well for me. I’m not a high maintenance woman, even if strippers seem to come off that way. The minute I’m not working, you can find me in the least revealing clothing possible. Half the time it’s leggings or joggers with an oversized shirt or sweatshirt and sneakers.
What I wouldn’t give to be in my own house right now. I get that Maddox is trying to keep me safe even if I don’t completely agree with his theory.
“Ugh, get that picture out of your mind, Raven.” I grab my phone, keeping it with me in case Selena calls me back or if Maddox needs me. I highly doubt that though. I start the shower, and thankfully, it’s a great shower. Okay, fine, it’s even better than mine at home. Not sure who the hell needs two showerheads, but I’m going to take advantage of it just the same. The whole time I’m washing my hair, then my body, I’m thinking about how lovey-dovey Mack and my mother were. It really is enough to make me want to puke. If she’s who he had to go and deal with so I could open the club for Maddox too, that’s pretty fucked up. I only hope that poor child isn’t going through the same shit I did.
I shake my head of those thoughts. There’s no way I can stand these thoughts running through my head. The what-ifs alone will haunt me as it is. Now that I’m finished with the shower, using one towel to dry off and the other to wrap around my head to dry my hair some, I can get dressed and crawl into bed. I’m not sure that I’ll sleep any, not without knowing what’s going on at least.
“Holy shit, you scared the life out of me,” I breathe out when I walk into the bedroom. Maddox is sitting on the edge of the bed and kicking off his boots.
“Need you to lock the door when you’re in here by yourself. That’s my fault for not tellin’ ya or lockin’ it on my own. It’s dead here tonight, but on a busier night and when we’re open to the public, don’t want someone to walk in here when you’re wet and naked.” In some weird, twisted way, I love that he’s looking out for me.
“Okay, everything alright?” My feet take over what my brain is saying, leading me towards his now spread thighs. Apparently, my body likes being close to Maddox’s no matter the circumstance.
“Not even close. Looks like we have more work to do. Shovel will be with us, and so will a few others. Gonna check on the videos and see what we can figure out, plus I’m thinkin’ you won’t take too kindly if I suggest you take the weekend off.” The pads of his fingers drift up my towel-covered body. A moan leaves me.