Page 140 of Darkly (Follow Me 4)
Chapter Forty-Nine
I take Skye’s arm and escort her back into the ballroom.
The crowds have dispersed a bit as people take their seats for dinner. Servers bring out plates covered in silver domes.
We’re nearly back to the table when someone steps in front of us.
“Don’t you two look stunning?”
Addison Ames, dressed to the nines, of course, in what couldn’t have cost less than about ten grand. Only she would have the nerve to speak to us after firing Skye. I won’t be drawn into her drama, and I won’t allow Skye to be, either.
“Nice to see you,” I say shortly.
“And you, as always,” she says curtly and then tugs on Skye’s other arm and whispers in her ear.
Skye reddens slightly but stays calm and mature. I have no idea what Addie said to her, but this isn’t the time or place to rehash it.
I whisk her quickly to our table, where we sit down.
Servers place plates in front of us almost immediately. “Don’t let her get to you,” I say.
Skye nods, and though she tries to hide it, I feel her demeanor change.
She places her napkin in her lap, picks up her fork, but then sets it back down. She’s upset, and I want to help. I need to help.
And I also can’t stop thinking about that chain beneath her dress that’s begging for a yank.
“Braden,” she says.
“She’s trying to ruin me.”
I lift my eyebrows, anger surging through me. Addie has upset Skye once again, and I won’t have it.
“What has she done?” I ask.
“It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.”
All the time in the world when it comes to Skye.
She sighs. “The day you went back to New York, I got an email from this place called New England Adventures.”
“The hot-air balloon place?”
“Yeah, that’s the one. Have you ever ridden in a hot-air balloon?”
I shake my head. “No. Not yet, anyway. I’d like to try it sometime.”
“You’ll be doing it without me,” she says. “The idea scares the shit out of me.”
I smile and trail a finger over her sexy forearm.
And think about those nipple clamps.
“Anyway,” she continues, “they wanted me to go up in one of their balloons and take some photos and then do some posts. They had this great name for the campaign already. ‘Skye takes to the sky.’ I figured I’m new at this influencing thing, so I can’t really say no to opportunities, right?”