Page 58 of Follow Me Always (Follow Me 3)
“I always feel safe with you, Braden.”
“I know. I guess I’m not explaining what I mean very well. Let me be blunt. I changed my mind. I want to do it here. In my bedroom. I want to be here because this is something intensely personal to me. Personal and private, and I want us to be alone.”
“But Christopher and the rest of the staff—”
“Aren’t here. I sent them all away for the weekend. They’ll be back tomorrow evening.”
“Who will drive me home, then?”
“No one. You’re not going home this weekend, Skye. You’re staying here. With me.”
I smile. “That sounds good.”
“I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to make this good for you in a way I couldn’t at the club. You’ll be pampered.”
I warm all over, and in the candlelight, my breasts glow. Braden takes notice, dropping his gaze and groaning from his chest. The low growl seems to flow from him and into me, lodging between my legs. I’m quivering. Naked and quivering, my ass ready to open up, drop the plug, and take all Braden can give me.
I’m so ready. I don’t want to wait any longer.
But this is Braden’s dance. We’re both moving, but he’s in the lead.
And I’m good with that.
“I’ve waited a long time for this,” he says, “and we’re going to do it right.”
Being here means something to him. Here, in his bedroom in Boston, where he doesn’t do things he may participate in at the club.
I simply nod. “Whatever you want is what I want.”
The low growl hums from his chest into me once more.
“I’m going to bind you to the headboard as we’ve done before, face up.”
“Face up?”
“Oh, yes. Face up. I want to look into your warm brown eyes when I take that ass.”
“But…I just assumed…”
“That I’d take you from behind? That was my plan at the club, but this will be much more intimate. Plus, you’ll get to watch. I want you fully engrossed in the experience.”
“Using all my senses tonight?”
“Yes, every last one. This is something I don’t ever want you to forget, Skye.”
I smile. “I’ll never forget anything we do together.”
His lips quirk upward. “You definitely won’t forget this. Lie down on the bed.”
I obey, nudging the plug in my ass. I can’t stop a soft giggle.
Braden walks to his wardrobe and pulls out the leather cuffs that he used on me once before. He places them around each of my wrists and then secures them to the rungs of the headboard, giving me only a slight amount of slack. I clamp my fists around the leather rope securing the cuffs to the headboard.
“Okay?” he asks.
“Good. You’re not going to be able to touch me, and that’s how I want it. You need to focus all your other senses on what I’m doing to you. Can you do that for me?”
“Excellent.” He slides his tongue over his lower lip, just enough to be really sensual. “You look delectable, Skye. Better than the most glorious feast. You’re the only feast I want tonight. A feast for my eyes, my ears, my lips and tongue, my nose.” He inhales. “You’re wet. I can smell your musk already. It’s the sweetest perfume.”
I lift my hips instinctively, his words igniting me. I’m so ready for this. So ready for him.
“Easy,” he says. “I’m as anxious as you are, but I’m going to enjoy every morsel of my feast first. Beginning with those luscious tits of yours.”
My nipples strain forward, as if they heard his words. They’re tight and puckered and ready for his lips, tongue, and teeth.
Braden removes his shirt, and I suck in a breath, intoxicated as always by his shoulders, chest, and abs. He’s even more striking by candlelight.
Hot wax.
The idea intrigues me. Would he do it if I asked? He doesn’t like anything to do with fire, but it’s not a hard limit.
Quickly I banish the thought. Tonight is about something else. Something Braden and I have both been looking forward to. He’s gone to such trouble to make this good for me, and I intend to enjoy every second.
He peels off his jeans and boxer briefs, and out juts his cock, illuminated by the soft glow of the candles. He’s ready, all right. As ready as I am. But I’ve seen that look in his eyes before. He won’t be rushed.
He joins me on the bed and kisses my lips softly, like a butterfly’s wings. I part my lips, hoping for more, but he trails them over my cheek and down the side of my neck, giving me goose bumps. I know where he’s headed, and my nipples are more than ready. Finally, he gets to the tops of my breasts, licking and kissing the rosy flesh. I quake beneath him, my nipples poised and ready. He strokes my breasts with his warm tongue, and just when I’m about to yell at him to suck on my nipple, he finally closes his lips around one.