Page 22 of Follow Me Always (Follow Me 3)
He closes his eyes. “I ache for your touch, Skye. I fucking ache for it.”
“Why do you bind me, then? Why do you make it so I can’t touch you except on your terms?”
His eyes still closed, he sighs. “I ache for that, too. I’ve always wanted women that way. But it’s different with you. I want the darkness, but I also want the light.”
“And that frightens you,” I say more to myself than to him.
He nods. “Please. Touch all of me.”
I lean into him and kiss his muscled chest. I’ve kissed his lips before, sucked his dick, but I’ve never been allowed to touch him all over. Every beautiful and magnificent part of him.
His cock is hard and gorgeous, as usual, and though it beckons me, I choose to do as he asks. I touch him. Simply touch him, all ten of my fingers sliding over his majestic male flesh. He’s warm, and he shudders at my caress.
I shake my head in amazement that my simple touch affects him like this, makes him tremble and softly moan.
His pecs are hard and muscled, and when I flick over one nipple, it hardens beneath my finger. I move downward, over his six-pack abs to the triangle of black hair. I entwine my fingers through it, avoiding his cock even though I want more than anything to fall to my knees and suck him deeply.
I move around his waist to his back, caress the cheeks of his perfectly formed ass, and then press into him as I glide around his back to his shoulders once more. I brush my lips over his chest, and another slight shudder racks through him.
I kiss his chest again, moving my lips slightly each time, until I press a kiss to a nipple.
He inhales. “Damn.”
I flick my tongue over the nipple, relishing its erection, and then I close my lips over it and softly suck.
He trembles again, sucking in another breath.
“Tell me what you want,” I whisper.
“You’re doing it. I want your touch. Everywhere.”
I lift my chin and kiss his lips softly. He opens and our tongues meet gently for a few seconds. Then I end the kiss and rain soft pecks along his stubbled jawline, giggling as his stubble tickles me. I move to his neck then, kissing down to his broad shoulder once more. Where before my fingers led, now my lips take over, as I sprinkle soft kisses over his chest and abs. When I reach his cock, I give the head a few flicks of my tongue, resulting in more sucked-in breaths and groans, and then I head downward to his hard-muscled thighs. I explore him with my hands and lips simultaneously, delighting in the pleasure of pleasing him.
Giving him something he’s never asked for before. Something he’s probably never experienced with any other woman before.
And I feel power.
Power in the fact that he wants my touch.
Power in his surrender to me.
So it’s not technically a surrender, as we’re going to make love to each other, but for Braden? It’s a relinquishment of his control.
This must be huge for him. No wonder he’s scared.
He’s as scared as I was when I first gave up control to him.
And now it’s my turn.
My turn to take control. Not just over his body for these few precious moments, but over my life. It’s time to figure out Skye Manning.
I’ll begin here. In this hotel room with the man I love.
Chapter Fifteen
I travel down his thighs, over his knees, down his calves to his bare feet, touching, kissing, pleasing him.
Then I stand, entwine both my hands with his, and lead him to the bed.
Yes, I lead him.
His magnificent body is mine tonight. All mine, just as mine is his. “You’re so beautiful, Braden,” I say breathlessly.
“No one’s ever said that to me before.”
I can’t help a chuckle. “Probably because you don’t let them speak.”
He smiles. That smile I saw tonight at dinner. That smile I so seldom see. He’s letting a part of himself out with me tonight, a part he keeps trapped inside. I don’t yet know why he does this, but I’m honored that he’s sharing it with me.
Which means I owe him the same. I need to find out why neck binding and breath control are so important to me so I can share it with him. Make him understand.
“Touché,” he says. “But as far as beauty goes, I’m nothing compared to you. You’re lovely, Skye, and not just on the outside.”
“Yes, I know. I’m a challenge.”
“That’s part of it, but you go deeper than that, and you know it.”
Warmth envelops me. “Thank you. I’m not sure anyone’s ever given me a more profound compliment.”
“I mean it. Yeah, you drive me wild, sometimes to anger. But it’s because you’re so provocative.”
“I provoke you, huh?”
“God, yes.”