Page 7 of Guarding His Obsession
“I have to protect you, cupcake. I’m not sure how well I can do that with you in my bed.”
“But I’m moving in, and you said you would give me more orgasms,” I protest, not understanding. It makes sense if we sleep together. I may be new at this sex stuff, but I’m pretty sure most of it goes down at night. In bed. I hope we don’t have to wait for the sun to go down because I kind want to do it now if it’s anything like what he did to me against the wall.
“Moving in.” He says the words like he doesn’t understand them.
“I thought you said I was staying with you. That you’d send someone to get the rest of my things. I’ll have to see about breaking my lease, but I’m sure it can be done for the right amount of money. And Elle says I have money coming out my ass so no worries there.” Elle handles my accounts. I don’t pay attention to money. I know how to invest well but I don’t really watch the bottom dollar. I guess because I haven’t really had to. When people reach out for my services, she always handles costs and payments. I just slide my Amex when I need something and the thing always works. Elle says I spend hardly anything, and I’ll never burn through the money at this rate.
He just continues to stare down at me, his face completely unreadable, not that I’m good at reading people. Computer code, yes. People, I’m a total bust at.
I start to get uneasy.
“Don’t you want to do that with me anymore?” Maybe he changed his mind. Elle does that all the time. One date and maybe a kiss on the cheek and the guy is left on the other side of the door. It got so bad she just stopped dating altogether. Maybe he was one orgasm and done.
Then it hits me. He saw my sister. I wasn’t even paying attention. Most men lose it when they see my sister. I was so caught up in my orgasm haze and making sure I was moving in with him, I didn’t even pay attention to his reaction.
“Do you want my sister now?” I blurt out. This is the first time I wish I could pull the words back because I’m not sure I want the answer.
“My cock is still fucking rock hard from when you dry humped me, and I feel like I might explode if I don’t get the taste of you back in my mouth. I feel like a goddamn junkie needing a fix.”
I throw myself at him, and he drops everything in his hands to catch me. I go straight for his mouth, latching myself to him, wanting to give him what we both need.
This time I push my tongue into his mouth, going at him like he went at me in my condo. I want a replay of before. He said he needed another taste, and I’m more than willing to give him one, but he pulls back entirely too quickly.
“You said you’ve never had sex,” he says, studying my face.
“I haven’t.” I run a finger down the scar on his face before I lean in and lick it. His body goes completely still.
“I don’t know why I did that,” I confess. “I keep thinking about the other ones you might have. Wanting to do that to them, too.” This pull I feel to him is crazy. I can’t seem to think about anything else. Gone is the workload I need to get done, the files and dates long gone and forgotten. My mind isn’t seeing reason anymore. Just want. This has to be just like Frodo felt with that ring. Drake is all I can think about now, all that seems to matter.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” His words sound pained.
“Isn’t it your job to keep people alive?”
He takes a deep breath, then pulls me from him. My feet find themselves back on solid ground, having been wrapped around his waist only moments ago.
“Yeah, that’s the problem. I can’t seem to pay attention to what’s happening around me when you touch me and say the shit you do.”
“Is that abnormal for you?”
“Fuck yes.”
“I seem to be having the same problem.” My shoulders drop. “Maybe your friend was right. It might be best if someone else guards me.”
His hand comes under my chin, making me look up at him.
“I should. I really fucking should. I’m being selfish doing it on my own, but I can’t. I want you here.”
“I want to be here, too.”
He releases a breath and nods. “I need to look into some more stuff about who’s stalking you. If you can stay here in my home, I’ll know you’re safe. I just need to get my head on straight. I’ll show you to the room and I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“Which room?” I press, biting my lip as I try not to smile.
He groans and runs a hand over his face.
“My room.”
“Isn’t it ours if I live here now?” I say simply.
“How come the things that come out of your mouth, the things that should have me running the other way, just get me fucking harder?” He reaches down and adjusts himself, and my eyes go to his cock. The same cock that I want to rub up against like in my apartment.
I ignore his question because I don’t get what he means.
“Can we do that thing again before you go?”
“How are you a virgin with a mouth like yours?”
“Because I haven’t ever asked someone to make me orgasm before?” I try to run through my mind, thinking if there was ever anyone that I would have wanted to have intercourse with but I just hadn’t asked.
“What are you thinking about? I see your mind working.” His hand comes to the middle of my brow, and he rubs me there, like he’s trying to push the wrinkles out. Elle always says I scowl when I’m thinking really hard.