Page 23 of Guarding His Obsession
“How’s this place so clean with you living in it?” Elle rolls to her side, too, looking at me and ignoring my question.
“Is it?” I lean up and look around the room. I hadn’t really noticed, but it’s oddly clean for a space that I’ve been living in.
“He cleans, too? You hit the man jackpot.” She reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear.
“He really is perfect, isn’t he?” I can’t help but agree with her. Because Drake is perfect. Perfect for me. It’s like we’re made for each other, and he likes all my odd little quirks. In fact, they seem to turn him on.
“They are something,” she agrees, dropping back down on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. She’s finally admitting her feelings for Pink.
“So you admit it.” I smile at her, making her roll her eyes, but I see right through her. “Why are you denying it so much?” I don’t get it. I wanted Drake and I just went for it. Seems like the logical thing to me.
“Because I didn’t want it at first. The attraction was fast, and I’d never felt anything like it before. I’ve been burned a few times with guys who didn’t have good intentions.”
I knew she had been. It’s why she stopped even trying with guys anymore. Elle always wanted a big family with a white picket fence and a house full of babies. A big family. It’s something I’m sure Pink could give her if she let him. He’s got family popping out from everywhere.
“But I like him teasing me. I know I can be a little much with how I like things done and everything in order. Initially, I thought my personally would drive him away, but he just kind of steamrolls over me, and I like it when he does. Is that stupid?” She throws one arm over her eyes “Grr. I don’t know.”
I just laugh. I’ve never seen Elle so out of sorts before. I like it, too.
“I don’t really think it matters what you do at this point. I’m pretty sure he’s said over and over that you’re his and you’re not going anywhere. Soooo…” I shrug.
She just smiles.
“Never thought I’d see the day we fell for a couple of friends.”
“Double wedding,” I say again. I want to ask her about the comment Pink made about knocking her up, but I don’t want to push it.
She rolls out of the bed and brushes her hands over her clothes.
“You have to personally deliver the package to Ensore. They want it straight from your hands to theirs.”
I let out a sigh. I figured that was probably the case, especially when no one came for it yesterday.
“I’m giving them the whole laptop, but I haven’t left this place in over two weeks. I’ll need to talk to Drake.”
I roll over and grab my phone from the side table.
“There’s a note in the kitchen that says he was going for a run.”
I look at the clock and know he should be back by now.
I slide my finger across the screen and read the text
Hulk: Have to work, cupcake. I’ll see you tonight.
“He’s working,” I inform Elle, who’s now slipping on her heels.
“Yeah, Pink slipped out quick this morning, too. They must have something going on.”
“Well, crap. How are we going to take the laptop in?”
“I’m sure one of the guys on the door will escort us or something. Ensore isn’t that far away. Maybe only a mile.”
“Alright. Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” Elle leaves the room, and I make quick work of getting ready in the bathroom. I slide on a pair of jeans, hoodie, and sneakers. Elle let go of my having to dress professional a long time ago.
When I enter the kitchen, Elle is typing away on her phone. She doesn’t even look up when she speaks. “I told them we’d be by shortly and to have someone there to take the laptop.”
“Sounds good.” I open the pantry door and don’t see anything I want to eat, or at least anything I feel like making. Drake has spoiled me with his cooking.
“You think we can go to Bojo’s after? I’m starving.”
“God, that sounds so good. We haven’t eaten there in forever.” By forever she means maybe two weeks, which is a long time for us. We normally eat there about three to four times a week. It’s a simple diner, but they have anything and everything you could want.
“Cool.” I grab my bag and slip my laptop and phone inside. Elle follows me to the door. When I open the door, I’m surprised that no one is standing outside. Normally, if Drake isn’t here, he has a guy who just stands there looking extremely intimidating.
“That’s odd.” I look up and down the hallway, and Elle does the same.
“There was someone here when I came in. Maybe there isn’t a threat anymore and that’s what the guys have been up to this morning.”
“Maybe,” I mumble, digging into my bag for my phone.
“Front left pocket.”
I reach into the front left pocket of my bag and pull out my phone. I tap out a message to Drake.
Me: No guard on the door. I need to drop laptop off at Ensore.
I hit send and wait for a response, but nothing comes.
“Crap. I don’t want to bother him if he’s busy. I’ve been hogging all of his time.”
Elle fiddles with her own phone for a moment before sighing.
“Let’s just pop into Drake and Pink’s office downstairs real quick and see if there is someone who can take us over there. It’s not that far. I’m sure one of them can pull themselves away for a little while to run us over..”
“Alright,” I agree, shooting Drake another text to at least let him know I’m on my way down to his office.
We ride silently down the elevator and when it gets to the bottom floor, I only take two steps out before I’m slammed back against a wall.