Page 75 of Christmas In The City (Imperfect Match 1.50)
“We need to talk,” I say firmly.
The look she angles up at me says seriously? But she just rolls her eyes and tosses the hair back from her face. I can’t blame the long strands for clinging to her smooth shoulders and plump breasts.
“Talk about what?” she asks.
“Your security tonight.” I frown, remembering her guard across the room paying her no attention. “It needs to be tighter.”
“God, no.” She lifts her arms to scoop her hair up and off her shoulders, which thrusts her tits in my face. She knows what she’s doing, the vixen. She doesn’t want to talk about this and she knows I can’t miss this chance. I lean forward and take one fat nipple between my lips. Her hands clasp my head closer.
“Suck harder,” she commands, and I do. Her little hips start grinding over me, and my dick hardens, but if she thinks I’ve gotten this far without discipline she’s wrong. I love ass like any other guy, but I’ve never been ruled by pussy. Though glancing down between us and seeing her sweet clit peeking from between those smooth lips, if ever a pussy could rule me, it would be this one.
“If we don’t talk now,” I say, licking her nipples and squeezing her ass. “We don’t fuck later. How’s that sound?”
She goes still, letting her fingers slip from my hair, settling back on my legs.
“What do you want to know about my security?” Her tone changes from amorous to reserved, and she crosses her arms beneath her breasts.
“Are you always left alone like that? In a strange country? With people you’ve never even met before? For that long?”
“Sometimes,” she says, her face giving nothing away. “Why?”
“Lani, your husband died, vacating the throne. Your son is too young to rule, which leaves you in a precarious position. Many men will see that as an opportunity to get to the crown.” My teeth slam together as I look at the gold-dusted beauty of her body and the midnight fall of hair nearly to her waist. “To get to you.”
“Is this supposed to be new information, Grim?” She contorts her pretty lips into a bitter smile. “I’m well aware, but you’re wrong. There aren’t many men. Only one. He makes sure of that.”
“Who?” I frown and lift her chin, forcing her to meet my eyes. “Who makes sure?”
She slides her chin away, slides her gaze away and to the side. “Never mind. Let’s drink.”
She takes a quick swig of rum and then offers it to me. When I shake my head no, she shrugs and takes another, the muscles of her throat working with each swallow. I could snap her neck before that liquor makes it to her belly, and look how easy it was for me to get to her. Sure, she had left instruc
tions to let me in, but what if my intentions were devious, instead of merely dirty? Vashti is not the same as a comprehensive security presence.
I snatch the bottle from her and stretch to place it on the bedside table out of reach.
“I said who.”
Defiance creeps into her eyes, arrogance into the jut of her jaw. Even naked and splayed across my dick she’s a queen. “I don’t have to tell you anything.”
“But you want to.” I cup one side of her face. “I saw that tonight. Do you think you’re the first woman to proposition me?”
“Proposition? I did not—”
“Semantics. You wanted me. I wanted you. It’s not complicated, Your Majesty,” I drawl, dipping the words in sarcasm. “I usually ignore spoiled women who want a big dick.”
Her eyes narrow. “How dare you—”
“But I could see from the beginning you weren’t that.”
She presses her lips together, but the tense line of her shoulders relaxes a little. “I saw a beautiful, fascinating, lonely woman looking for something real, and what we have may be fast and it may be temporary, but it is real.”
She lowers her head, not denying what I said, not confirming.
“You can trust me, Lani.”
Her unladylike bark of laughter fills the room. “Trust you? I don’t even know you. I don’t even know what you do.”
“Yes, you do. Security.”