Page 50 of Christmas In The City (Imperfect Match 1.50)
Not even having to give it a second thought, I said, “I would love that.”
He handed me his phone. “Enter your number for me?”
Flustered, I typed it as fast as I could, as if maybe I was going to wake up from this dream before I had a chance to add all the digits in and he’d disappear into thin air.
“I wish I didn’t have to run like this. But I’ll call you soon.”
“Good luck with whatever you have to deal with.”
“Pretty sure I might be a little distracted the rest of the day.”
I felt my face heat up.
Me too.
He winked. “Bye.” He was just out the door when he turned around and said, “It was like kissing my Christmas tree, by the way.”
I’d forgotten that my tongue must have tasted like that hideous green drink. “Bye…Chet,” I whispered to myself after he was already gone.
When I returned to the table, Nancy was fanning herself. “That was…interesting. Holy shit.”
“Yeah.” I smiled. “That was…it was…he was…” The words escaped me.
She was utterly amused. “Look at you. I’ve never seen you like this.”
I mindlessly sipped on the remainder of my green drink. “Pretty sure I’ve never felt like this.”
Nancy and I were sitting on the steps of the courthouse, waiting. I lifted my chin to the coffee truck at the corner that we’d just bought two coffees from. “I dare you to go inside and start taking orders.”
The owner had stepped out a minute ago to run into the store across the street. He hung a sign that said Back in Two Minutes, but a line started to form as people waited for him to return.
“Oh my God. I could get arrested.”
“Good thing you’re a lawyer, then.”
She gulped back the contents of her Styrofoam coffee cup and stood. “I guess I owe you one since the kissing bandit never called you.” She sighed. “I had such high hopes for him.”
Her and me both. I’d checked my phone every hour for the days that followed that amazing kiss. I thought for sure hot coffee guy would call me—the chemistry had been off the charts. At least I’d thought so. But the jerk never did.
I watched as Nancy approached the food truck, looked around, then slipped inside. A few seconds later, she had a little notepad in her hand and waved to me from the window as she took her first order. I couldn’t stop laughing watching her make coffees and collect money from people. Although my cackling came to a halt when I heard the owner yelling from across the street. He held out a hand to stop cars from crossing, nearly getting himself run over.
“Shit.” I stood.
Nancy disappeared from the window just as the owner ran around to the back of the truck. By the time I got to them, she already had the situation under control.
“Thanks, Ahmed.” She leaned forward and kissed the man’s cheek.
He groaned and climbed into his truck. “You stay in courtroom. Keep out of truck!”
I laughed. “What the hell happened?”
She shrugged. “Nothing. I told him I was a solo practitioner like him, and we had to stick together and help each other out.”
“I swear. Only you could have me hysterically laughing on the day I’m coming to court for my final divorce proceeding.”