Page 5 of Sweet Spot
“No.” I say, not taking my eyes off the computer screen.
“He’s a sweet boy,” Grams tries. I shake my head.
“He is, but he’s also a slut.” Okay, slut may be a strong word. Trish is actually the first girl I’ve heard about him hanging out with from our school. That’s not saying much, though, because the baseball team has been inviting some of the girls from South View to the parties now, so for all I know he could be dating one of them. Or maybe multiple. Or the strippers his daddy is always getting to celebrate the team's victories. There are a lot of unknowns when it comes to Booker’s love life.
I fight not to roll my eyes. How did Booker’s mom end up with his dad? I’ll never understand it. She’s as sweet as could be. How silly is it that I’m even getting upset about her hanging out with Trish? I’m not so sure even being friends with Booker is going to work for me anymore.
“He is not.”
“Really, Grams? He even flirts with you.” I think it’s adorable that he’s given my grams a nickname. Plus I love to see my grandpa's jealousy pop out every time Booker shows her attention. It’s adorable.
“You’re being ridiculous. He’s only being playful.”
“Maybe he should only be playful with one girl,” I mumble.
“Maybe if he had a girl of his own he would,” she tosses back at me. I ignore her comment.
The only person Booker doesn’t seem to flirt with or tease is me. Not that I want him to. I don’t date. Still it stings a bit that I’m not even in his line of sight for it. How did I end up the girl who got put into the friend-zone? Maybe because you put yourself there. I push that thought aside and concentrate on being mad at Booker instead.
“Honey.” Grams’ voice softens, drawing my eyes away from the computer screen. “There are good ones and bad ones out there. You have to give love a chance. There is nothing greater than falling in love.” She stands, coming around the desk to kiss me on top of my head. “We’re heading out. You coming? I hate leaving you here to close this place down.”
“Yeah, I’m coming.” I shut down the computer. Mom left an hour ago for a date. I hope this one goes better than the last few. I demanded she let me pick the next one for her using her dating app, which I also updated. If she wasn't always getting so heartbroken, it might be funny how often she ends up on these terrible dates.
I grab my bag and pull my keys out, following Grams out the back door. I set the alarm before locking the door behind me. I freeze when I see Booker leaning up against his fancy sports car. I have to admit that my heart does a little flutter at the sight of him.
“See you at home,” Grams calls. I turn to see Grandpa holding her door open. “Take your time.” She winks at me. Mom left the car with me to take home tonight. I watch as they pull out, leaving only Booker and me.
“I thought you had plans?” It’s a fight to keep my tone even. I’d lost it earlier. He must think I’m a crazy person.
“Ditched them.” He shrugs, pushing off his car. “Besides, I wanted to bring you something.” He reaches into his car through the open window and pulls out a bundle of flowers. Oh gosh. I guilted him into getting me flowers. This is a new low for me.
“You didn’t have to do that. I was only teasing,” I say as he makes his way over toward me.
“Peonies always remind me of you.”
“Why?” I lick my suddenly dry lips. Peonies are actually my favorite flower. I don’t think I ever told Booker that before.
“They start off all closed up in these small balls. So unassuming. Almost hiding themselves from the world. But with a little bit of time and care, they blossom. No matter how many times you watch a peony bloom, every time you’re surprised with how they come to life.”
He leaves me speechless. We stare at each other for a long moment. “That’s sweet of you.” I take the flowers from his hand. “I really was only teasing about the flowers before.” I wasn’t, but it’s better if he thinks that.
“Were you teasing me about those cherries too?” My face starts to warm. I hope the setting sun helps to hide the flush of my cheeks.
“It’s really none of my business how many cherries you want.”
He tilts his head to the side, giving me that killer smile of his. Those dang dimples coming out doesn’t help. “Want to go for a drive or something?”
“Why? Do you want to go down to Walkinmill’s Lake and make out or something?” I tease him.