Page 20 of Sweet Spot
I smile when I see Booker heading back my way. He’s in a suit that makes him look older than he really is. Especially with his height.
“How’s it going?” he asks as he leans down to brush his mouth against mine.
“Wonderfully.” I smile up at him. My cheeks are going to hurt by the end of the night at this rate, but I can’t help myself. This sense of belonging surrounds me. It feels incredible to see people enjoy all of my hard work.
“Your eyes are shining.”
“I’m excited is all. It’s been nothing like I thought it would be.” I rest my hand on his chest, waiting for him to notice the one painting I’d kept hidden from him because I wanted to surprise him. I’d been working on it late at night for the past week whenever I got home.
When his whole body goes solid, I know he sees it. His eyes focus on it as he guides me over toward it. The painting is only a close up of his face. His head is tilted with his dimples on full display. It’s the way that I see him.
“You painted me. It’s breathtaking. This is how you see me?”
“Why does this feel different from the other times I’ve seen you sketch me?” He searches the painting trying to find the answer.
“I haven't drawn you in a while.” I turn in his arms to face him. “I see you differently now. I don’t know how I missed the way you looked at me before. Your eyes say it all. And well.” I lick my lips, pushing myself to tell him it all. “I’ve always loved you, but the love has changed recently.” That’s the truth. I’ve known for a while that I have feelings for him, but I was too scared to act on them. And never in a million years had I thought he would reciprocate them.
“Carrie.” His voice grows thick. “What had you been missing in my eyes all this time?” My face flushes, not sure I can say the next part. It’s presumptuous. “Come on, Care-bear. Tell me.”
“That you love me.”
“I do. I knew you were the girl for me years ago.” He leans down and kisses me again. “I know we planned to go home tonight, but do you think we can stay another night?”
“We can do anything you want.”
“How is it going over here?” someone asks. I step back from Booker’s hold on me to answer the question seeing that it’s Whitney. He’s been such a disappointment to meet in person. His art doesn't match him. He may be skilled with a, but his personality needs a makeover.
“Everything is great,” Booker says before I can respond, putting his hand at the small of my back. Whitney’s jaw flexes, and I know he’s irritated with Booker. He seems like he’s the type of boy that doesn’t like to be told no and actually takes it as a challenge. He’s a user. I can sense it.
“That’s wonderful. I already sold everything.” He smiles smugly. I bet he came all the way over here to rub that in my face. “What about you?”
“Nothing yet. I’m just happy to be here.” Even as I say the words, I see Mrs. Benson heading towards me with sold stickers, making me think I might have sold something. I really hope it’s not the one of Booker. Dang it. I should have said it’s not for sale. How am I ever going to allow someone to take it home?
“Carrie, I’m so glad that you were able to make it tonight.” She extends her hand to me.
“Thank you for having me.” I reach out to shake her hand.
“No need to thank me. It’s your hard work that has landed you here. Your pieces are exquisite.” I swear I smile so big at her compliment that my cheeks feel numb. “And I’m obviously not the only one that thinks so since someone has purchased all of them.”
My legs get a little weak as my mind tries to fully process her words. Thank God that Booker is standing behind me, or I think I would have collapsed. I go to open my mouth, but I can’t seem to find any words. Oh God, I think I’m in shock or something.
I watch as she puts the sold tags next to each one. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Whitney leave, that smug look no longer on his face.
“Can you believe this?” I say to Booker.
“Hell yeah I can.” I love how sure he always is of me. I need that.
“You’re going to have to come back. I’ve had a few others try to come up and snag some, but I had to tell them you’d already sold out.”
“Really?” Oh my gosh. I’m about to burst. My eyes sting with happy tears.