Page 15 of Sweet Spot
Chapter Twelve
Booker tangles his fingers with mine as we make our way toward the hotel. I lean into his side, enjoying being in the city. It’s so much different than what I’m used to. For a moment I let myself pretend this could be my life. To live here in the city, getting to spend a night out with Booker taking in an art show. It’s a fantasy that I can’t help but have. Booker doesn’t help the situation by making it feel as though it could be a real possibility for me. But I know I can’t let my mind wander too far because that will only lead to some sort of disappointment when reality sets in.
“Are you less nervous now that you got to take a peek around before tomorrow?” Booker asks. He has so much faith in me. I honestly don’t think him telling me that he thought my work was the best was him trying to calm my nerves but that he really meant it. He’d only given the other artwork a few glances but with mine he’d stare and take in each piece for long minutes at a time. There is one I’ve kept hidden from him. I’m not sure how he’ll react when he sees it tomorrow.
“Not really,” I admit. I soaked in every piece that I looked at today. Some I liked better than others, but to be honest, I appreciated them all.
“Promise, babe. You've got nothing to worry about.”
“You think everything I do is great.” I let out a small laugh. It’s actually really sweet. I wish I could see myself the way he does. I wish I were as confident in my ability as he is.
“I call it like I see it.” He untangles our fingers so he can wrap his arm over my shoulders. “I made a few later reservations for dinner at a couple places if you want to pick one.”
“Room service?” I suggest. All I want to do is go up to the room and be with him. I’m going to soak up all the alone time I can get with him. Booker said we have a lot of time to make up for, and now seems as good as any. I have to admit that he’s been trying all week. Every day after school he takes me to work and then lingers around until it’s time for me to go. A few of the nights we went back to his place where we’d make out for the rest of the night before he’d have to take me home. This time I don’t have to go home. I get to stay in bed with him.
When I told Grams about going to the city with Booker, she didn’t hesitate. She told me to have fun but to be smart. I’ve been on birth control since I was sixteen. Grams hustled me into the Obgyn as soon as she could. I don’t blame her with my mom having gotten pregnant so young. So at least that part is covered, and I don’t have to worry about pregnancy. It’s also nice that Booker and I are both virgins. It makes me feel more at ease knowing that we’ll be experiencing everything together for the first time.
“You sure you don’t want to live your night up in the city?”
“Who said I wasn’t going to be living it up?” I bite down on my bottom lip. As much as I loved our make-out sessions this past week, I need more. Booker could kiss me for hours and I’d never get tired of it. He's damn good at it. Not that I have anything to compare it to. But I’m guessing if it wasn't good then I wouldn’t always be trying to get more of it. Making out was enough initially, but now I want his kisses in other places. I need to see more of him. I’m over the heavy petting.
“You’re killing me.” He starts to walk faster, making me laugh.
“I can’t keep up with your long legs,” I say through my giggles. In one quick swoop, Booker has me in his arms, carrying me into the hotel. “Booker!” I hiss his name, burying my face in his neck. I’m slightly embarrassed, but more than anything I’m turned on by his need to get us back to our room as quickly as possible.
We’d only checked in and dropped our stuff quickly before we had to rush over to the showcase to drop the pieces off for tomorrow’s showing. He steps onto the elevator with me still in his arms. I peek out when I hear the doors shut, realizing we’re all alone.
Once I confirm that it’s only the two of us in here together, I run my mouth across his neck. “I wonder if they have creme brulee.” I dart my tongue out, swiping across his neck. He lets out a groan. The sound goes straight to my clit. His grunts and moans always turn me on. I feel sexy when I can get those sounds from him. My panties flood with desire.