Page 56 of Lucius (Acquisition 4)
“You loved me then?”
“The way a kid loves anything that’s too big for them to fully see. I had no idea about the Acquisition or any of it. You seemed like a cute teenage boy, and I wanted you to think I was cute, too.”
“What did I say when we talked?”
She nibbles her bottom lip. “I was sitting at the dining room table, waiting for my mother to finish talking with your mother in her office. You came swaggering in and plopped down in the chair across from me. I tried not to look at you, but you just kept staring at me, so I finally met your eyes. You asked me who I was and what I was doing there. I told you, and then my stomach rumbled really loud. I wanted to crawl under the table and die right there, but you got up and came around to me. You said, ‘C’mon.’ And you held out your hand.
“I took it, and you led me into the kitchen and pulled down a box of cookies from a high shelf in the pantry.
“‘Have as many as you want.’ You scooped up a few, winked at me, then left. My mother never let me have sweets. It’s like you knew there was a rule you could break, so you went for it.”
“Did you eat the cookies?”
“I ate so many I got a stomachache, but I didn’t regret it one bit.”
“Just being near me had you breaking bad. I love it.” I lean close, my lips grazing against hers.
“Lucius.” Stella’s voice is harsh. “I didn’t realize you were bringing a date.”
Evie turns to her. “Hi, Stella.”
“Hello.” Stella doesn’t offer her hand, and she certainly doesn’t invite us in. Instead, she blocks the door and sizes up Evie with a hawk-like gaze.
“I don’t know if you remember me—”
“I remember you just fine.” Stella finally looks at me. “You should’ve warned us.”
“Evie’s not a threat.” I thread her fingers through mine. “We’re together.”
“Mmm.” Stella doesn’t seem the least bit convinced.
To her credit, Evie stands patiently as Stella gives her another once-over.
More silence passes, and for a moment I think Stella isn’t going to let us in, but then she steps back. “You can have dinner with us, but I’ll go ahead and warn you, Evie. If you try anything. Anything. I’ll put you down. This is my family, my life, and I won’t lose them.”
Teddy peeks out from behind Stella, his big eyes focused on Evie.
“I’m not here to hurt anyone.” Evie gives Teddy a small smile. “And yes, I shot your uncle. But that’s before I got to know him. Now I just want to strangle him sometimes.”
Teddy smiles. “Daddy says that too.”
Stella considers Evie for a few moments longer, then turns and strides away. “The food’s almost ready. You two come on in.”
“Do you want to see my room?” Teddy asks Evie.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Your mom might not like it.”
“She knows I can take care of myself.” Teddy takes Evie’s hand. “I killed like ten guys yesterday with a crossbow.”
“What?” Evie frowns.
“Target practice. You know. I’m getting better. Mom says so, and she’s the best shot ever.”
“I have no doubt of that. She means business.”
“Come on. I promise I won’t shoot you.” Teddy pulls on her hand.
“Go ahead. Just don’t let him steal you from me.” I kiss her neck and release her other hand.
“Teddy, go easy.”
“Okay.” He grins and pulls her over to the stairs.
As she climbs behind him, she gives me a worried look.
I blow her a kiss and stride down to the kitchen.
Sin and Stella are inside, both deep in conversation. Sin has a swollen cheek and a black eye from our run-in yesterday.
“Yikes, you look like shit.” I lean against the pantry door.
“Lift up your shirt.” He points at my side.
“I beg your pardon. I’m a gentleman.”
“You’ve never been a gentleman a day in your life.” Stella angrily yanks a pan of baby potatoes from the oven.
“Those smell amazing.”
“Rosemary and garlic.” She slams the pan on the trivet and whirls on me. “What the hell are you thinking bringing her here?” She leans over to look past me. “And where the fuck is she?”
“Teddy dragged her to his lair.”
Stella’s eyes widen. “You let her go with—”
“Teddy will be fine. Besides, if anything happens, his scream is supersonic.” I hold my hands up. “Just trust me, okay?”
Sin glowers. “I’ll go check on them.” He lumbers off, his resting bitch face doing double time with all those bruises.
Stella walks to the ovens and stares at whatever is cooking in the top one. “I haven’t seen her since that night. She looks … different.”
“Blonde hair is weird on her, right?”
“Not just that.” She puts her hands on her hips, her black tank top and workout pants making her look like an angry assassin. “She’s been through shit. Not like me. Not that horrible.” She hangs her head. “But I can tell what happened changed her.”