Page 41 of Lucius (Acquisition 4)
Here it goes. Whatever vicious purpose he has in his grand plan, this is where it will come out.
“What is that?” I ask as he spins me in a wider arc across the floor.
“There has been talk.” He purses his lips, then continues, “Not that I put much stock in talk, you see. But, even so, there has been talk that Lucius Vinemont has been skulking around you. Have you met with him?”
“I have to meet with him.” I smile tightly. “I’m going to gut his company and leave it in ruins.”
He returns my smile, and his is actually genuine. “That’s what I needed to hear. Thank you, Evie.”
I’m starting to get a little dizzy. Not from the dance, but more from the pressure on my injured foot. It aches with each step I take.
“Now that we have that behind us, let’s move on to the more pleasant aspect of our relationship.”
I absolutely do not like the sound of that. So, naturally, I smile. “What did you have in mind?”
“The topic might seem a bit delicate, and I apologize if this is forward of me, but because we are in the rebuilding stage, we need to increase our numbers.”
“You’d like me to recruit?” I say it with as much snobbery as I can muster.
He laughs. “Oh, certainly nothing so vulgar as that. No, no. You see, my nephew Charles has taken quite a shine to you.” He glances at the crowd. “He’s here somewhere, probably watching your every move like everyone else. You truly are breathtaking, my dear.”
“Thank you.” My heart, already beating at a rabbit’s pace, kicks up another fearful notch. But I keep my face neutral, my tone cool. I have to. If I give even a hint about what’s going on inside me right now, I won’t leave this house alive.
“No need to thank me. It’s the truth. Now, Charles is young like you, and he is hungry. He wants to be Sovereign so badly, and I have zero doubts he would win the Acquisition with ease. More importantly, he will make an excellent husband, and he is fully capable of fathering many, many children with a pure, true bloodline. The two of you could do so much for this family, wouldn’t you agree?”
I don’t know if it’s the pain in my foot, the horrible future Beau Corrigan just painted for me, or the fact that I’m hovering on the edge of terror—but I start to feel faint.
“Are you all right?” He slows his feverish pace. “You’ve gone pale beneath your mask, my dear.”
“I’m fine. I think I might need some air.”
“My apologies. Allow me to escort you outside.” He offers me his arm.
I don’t want to take it, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it outside without it. So, I do what I must and walk out into the muggy night with him. He motions to a passing server and grabs two flutes of champagne, clutching them between the fingers of one hand.
“I realize I may have rushed in where angels fear to tread.” He sits me on the edge of yet another fountain and stands before me. “You have a lot to think about. I don’t expect an answer for Charles right this second.” He taps the watch on his wrist. “But time won’t wait forever. It’s best to get an early start on children, especially when there’s so much on the line.”
I can only look up at him and wonder what sort of mental disease would lead him to believe I’d ever touch Charles of my own free will.
“Here.” He hands me a champagne flute. “Let’s drink to a bright future.”
I want to say no, but the insistent nature of this man tells me that’s not an option. “To a bright future.” I lift my glass and drink as he downs his.
“We really have a chance to make the Acquisition something even more lasting for future generations. Yes, we have some wrinkles. The Vinemonts being one of them.”
I can second that statement, though I must say Lucius has been far more than just a wrinkle for me. He’s something much more insidious—someone I want to trust even though I know it’s a bad idea.
“And don’t let me dissuade you from doing your job on Magnolia. We all want to see that company go down in flames. But once that’s done, it would be far better for you to turn your attention to being a wife, a mother, and a strong member of the society. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“If you all hate the Vinemonts so much, why haven’t you killed them?” I don’t know why I ask it, but as soon as I do, I’m curious to hear the answer.
He seems taken aback by my question, the white feathers on the edges of his mask swaying a little. “An interesting query.” He clasps his hands at his back and paces slowly in front of me. “To answer it, let me give a little back story that you already know quite well. At the final ceremony of the last Acquisition five years ago, a Sovereign was chosen.”