Page 26 of Lucius (Acquisition 4)
“Fuck.” I rub my temples.
“Such language from a lady of your breeding?” The door opens and the man from the elevator walks in.
I sit up and glance at my bag. My pistol is there.
“Don’t get up for me, Evie.” He closes and locks the door behind him. When his gaze slides down my body, I snatch the silk robe from the back of the chaise and drape it across myself.
“What do you want?” I lean back, as far away from him as I can get.
“Nothing really.” He only has to take one step to be close to me. Too close.
Panic starts to rise inside me, my airway closing and my heart thrashing against my ribcage.
“Where were you last night?” He looms over me, his blond hair and sharp blue eyes a façade to cover the darkness inside.
“I don’t answer to you.” I stand and pull on my robe, then move to step around him.
He grabs my arms in a rough grip and holds me in front of him. “I asked you a question, Evie. Where were you last night?”
I’m trapped. He isn’t going to let me go, and no one can help me. I have to get out of here.
He leans down until he’s only inches away from my face. “Answer the question, Miss Witherington.”
“I don’t answer to you, asshole.”
He smiles. It sends terror cascading down my spine.
“You know, Evie, I’d hate to think you were doing anything that could jeopardize your standing with the new Sovereign.”
“What I do is my business.” I say the words, and I know they come out sounding confident, but inside … Inside is another story.
“That’s where you’re wrong. What you do is my business and the business of the Sovereign. If he were to suspect that you were on pleasant terms with a certain member of the Vinemont family.” He grimaces a little when he says the name. “That would cause a problem. I’m here to help you avoid those problems.”
“Good thing I don’t need your help.”
His jaw tightens, and he pushes me back until I’m against the wall.
Fight or flight is having a hell of a disagreement in my gut.
“You should be careful, Evie. Tomorrow night is important for you, for the future of our world. And while the Sovereign is pleased at your efforts to take Magnolia from that vile family of reprobates, he would hate to hear that you’ve grown fond of any of them.” His gaze slips to my lips. “I would hate to hear it too.”
I feel a tickle of vomit at the back of my throat.
“You understand that, don’t you, Evie?” He squeezes my arms even tighter and pins me with his big body.
“What part of me running Magnolia into the ground are you missing?” I can barely get the words out under his crushing weight. “I hate them, all of them. They killed my brother.”
“Lucius killed your brother,” he corrects.
“I know what he did!” I try to shove him off me, but he’s far too big, too strong, and too hellbent on making those facts abundantly clear to me.
“Then we’re on the same page.” He gives me a fake smile and finally backs off.
My arms ache from his grip, but I refuse to rub them when he’s watching. I won’t show this bastard any weakness. Not now. Not ever.
“You really should’ve chosen the black.” He reaches up and touches my hair.
I try not to flinch but fail.
“Don’t be afraid of me, Evie.” He drops his palm to my cheek. “I don’t want to have to hurt you. But that depends on you, doesn’t it?”
Spoken like a true fucking sociopath.
“I’ll be there tomorrow night. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss?” I practically spit the words at him. “I’m a busy woman.”
“I’ll pick you up at 6:30.”
“No.” I back away from his touch. “I don’t need an escort.”
His jaw tightens again, and I can feel his anger like an electrical charge. I don’t know who he is or why he’s the one they chose to come for me, but they underestimated me. I won’t be cowed by some crew cut psycho with anger management issues.
“Now, I’d like to continue my day. If you’d please see yourself out.” I turn my back on him, even though every instinct inside me screams not to do it. But that’s why I have to do it. It’s a power move.
He’s silent as I drop the robe and pull on my top, then reach for my skirt.
“Did you miss the part where I dismissed you?” I fasten the skirt and turn to find him glaring at me, his eyes glossy.
Holding my head high, I reach for my bag. For safety. For my loaded gun.
He smiles slowly in that same creepy way of his. “I like your spirit, Evie. I really do.” He steps to me again, his hand going to my throat. “But if you keep pushing me like this, I don’t think you’re going to like the outcome.”