Page 87 of Scoring With Him (Men of Summer 1)
Grant arches a brow, his lips curving in a grin. “Are you asking me to be your sidepiece in the off-season?” He’s sarcastic, feisty Grant again.
I shake my head. “I’m asking you a real question. And it’s important.”
My chest clutches. My nerves spiral. But I’m in this. I’m so in this.
Grant scoots up, his expression turning serious. “You want me to be your boyfriend? Like, when the season is over? When you do your fling thing?” His questions come out analytically, like he’s taking stock, writing a pros and cons list.
I can’t read him. Can’t tell if he’s about to turn me down or stake his claim on my time. My heart gallops to my throat. Have I read him wrong? Does he not want this? Worry trips through my questions, but I ask them anyway. “Yes. What do you think? Want to meet me in Miami?”
My guy’s blue eyes twinkle as he nibbles on the corner of his lips. “I’m going to ignore you so hard till then. Then when November rolls around, I am going to find you on the beach and kiss the fuck out of you.” He sighs happily. “But nothing during the season, right? We’ve got to focus on baseball during the season.”
I smile, glad he’s on the same page I am. “One hundred percent.”
“I waited years for a guy like you. I can wait all season for you,” he says, his voice stitched with a vulnerability that cracks my heart wide open.
“I’ll wait for you, rookie.”
I press a quick kiss to his lips, and he smiles, like he’s as happy as I am. Like he’s as lovestruck as me. “Guess we broke our ground rules,” I murmur.
“Pretty sure we just smashed through every single one of them,” Grant says with a grin.
“And I have no regrets.”
“Me neither. I told you I wouldn’t regret you.”
“I could never regret you, Grant Blackwood,” I say then shuffle off the bed, popping open the button on my jeans, enjoying the way he rakes his gaze over me as I get naked for him.
I give him a show, pushing my jeans down over my hips, my boxer briefs following, my cock springing free. I give my shaft a tug.
The second he sees how much I want him, he’s panting and moaning, gripping his dick, stroking it nice and hard for me.
I push my jeans and briefs to the ground, step out of them.
Then I grab the lube from my bag, toss it to my guy, and get in bed, landing on my back.
“Are you ready to fuck a man for the first time?” I ask with a groan.
He runs his fingers along my jaw. “I’m ready to fuck the man I’m crazy for.”
“Mmm. Me too, babe. Me too.” I draw him in for one more kiss, hoping he feels everything. Hoping he knows I’m falling madly in love with him.
But that word—love. It’s so hard to say. Too hard to voice. Too out of control. All I can do is come close. Dangerously close. “I’m falling for you. And I want to fuck and fall tonight.”
“Fucking and falling sounds perfect.” My lover moves down the bed, between my legs, and gets to work on prepping me.
“Such a fast learner,” I praise as he slides his fingers in me, opening me up.
“I have a really good teacher,” he murmurs as he crooks a finger, making me arch into his talented hand.
Making me moan.
Then, when he drops his lush lips to my dick, I thrust up into the warm paradise of his mouth.
Mmm. The things I want to do with his mouth. But he takes his mouth away, lets go of my cock, and licks the head, his eyes like blue flames.
“I want to watch you jerk off some time, Deck. I want to shoot all over you. I want to do everything with you,” Grant says, then brings the head of my dick back into his mouth as I touch myself, trailing my hands up and down my body as he scissors his fingers in me, lighting me up.
“I want to feel all the things you can do with that wicked tongue,” I moan, and he lets go again, eases out his fingers, climbs up me. He plants his hands on each side of my face and stares at me like he wants to eat me for breakfast.
“You want me to taste you everywhere, Deck? Lick you all over? Fuck your ass with my tongue?”
This man and his filthy mouth. His dirty mind. “You’ve come so far,” I say as my cock twitches, throbbing as a drop of pre-come leaks from the tip. “And yes, I want that. Save it for me, rookie. Save that wicked mouth for me. I want that so badly.”
Grant dips his face to me. “I’d do it now,” he says, sounding so aroused. “Lick you everywhere. Eat you.”