Page 76 of One Day Fiance
“Excuse me?” Diana says.
“Her dogs,” Connor explains for me. “Pomeranians.”
“Your dogs are named Nut and Juice?” Diana asks, fighting a grin.
“That’s what I said too,” Connor tells her, but I ignore the same old comment about my weird dog names. Mostly because I’m dancing around Diana’s apartment with my laptop as my partner.
“Thank you,” I gush when I’m finished, coming around to shake her hand. I’d hug her, but my laptop’s in the way. “I can’t wait to get to work. I have so much to do!” Excitement and happiness are surging through me, creative energy swirling up in a tornado that I know will keep me up all night.
Diana smiles. “I’m glad. I can’t wait to read it.”
Giving it up, I close my laptop and hug her with one hand, bringing Diana into my impromptu dance party as I vow, “I promise I’ll make the Diana character as awesome as you are. Maybe she can rescue someone, rush them to the ER in her ambulance, and be the hero who saves the day!”
Diana dances away from me, shaking her hands wildly before putting her fingertips in her ears. “No! La, la, la, la . . . no spoilers! Just work your Poppy magic and it’ll be perfect. But if I save someone tall, dark, and sexy, I promise I’ll still be surprised!”
I’m in such a great mood, I almost dance with Connor too. But one stone-eyed look from him lets me know he’ll put up with a lot of my craziness, but not dancing to music that doesn’t exist except in my heart.
I nod wildly. “We should go so I can get started.”
Our eyes meet, the gold flecks in his fiery blues swirling even though his features are still stone cold. But it’s the eyes, and the unsaid things contained within, that have me frozen in place. I can see the words forming, words that can’t, or won’t, escape his lips.
Our mission is accomplished. Or at least, we’ve got my laptop back. But is that all there is? I certainly don’t think so, but does he?
Diana watches us but after a few seconds starts fanning herself. “Ooh, don’t mind me over here . . . watching everything. Every. Thing.”
The moment of magic is broken. Connor blinks, and I clear my throat awkwardly.
“You take care of her. She’s one of a kind, a treasure.”
“You have no idea how right you are,” Connor says, his voice rumbling and sending shock waves of delight through my entire body. “Come on.”
“Thank you again!” I say, heading for the front door. As Connor holds the door for me, I stop, turning around. “Oh, and warm your dinner in the oven on 350 for fifteen minutes. There are cookies in the bag too, my grandmother’s special recipe.”
Diana grins, her hands going over her chest. “I love cookies!”
Chapter 18
I put my truck in park, leaning back in the driver’s seat and feeling my strength leave me. “Guess I’ll leave you to it. I know you have a lot of work to do.”
My arms feel like lead, my gut like stone. Watching her take over the conversation with Diana Nichols, I felt like I was watching a door close for me. She has what she needs, and obviously, my growl first, break bones next, and later, feel any sort of remorse tactics didn’t need to be used.
Truthfully, I think she’s done with me now that she’s got the laptop back, and I want to preemptively give her an out before she awkwardly tells me to go. The laptop is what started this whole thing, and now that I’ve fixed that fuckup, I feel better about it, maybe less guilty.
Besides, I should work on research for the new job for Mr. Big. I’m actually glad I have that as a distraction now so I can throw myself into work and tell myself that it’s for the best. At least, it’ll be the best for Poppy.
“Like hell,” Poppy says on a laugh, looking over at me like I’ve suddenly sprouted antennae out of my head and started speaking nonsense. “I mean, I’ve got work, but I’d like for you to come inside.”
“Inside?” I repeat dully, and she nods. “Why?”
“Inspiration, of course. You are . . . my muse.” She waves her hands wide in a move reminiscent of a Price is Right model.
“And what, exactly, is a muse supposed to do?” I ask, softening to her antics and only slightly affected by my own desire to stay with her, no matter how bad of a plan it is.
Poppy grins, knowing she’s got me. “Pretty simple. Sit on the couch and look tough and grumpy and sexy as hell. Preferably naked, but that’s up for discussion. If it helps you decide, I’ll put a clean sheet down so there’s no Nut and Juice hairs on your taint.” She somehow makes that sound like a major concession.