Page 6 of Evil Twin
He wouldn’t let her hate him. He wouldn’t let her regret.
She gasped as his lips found a spot on her neck that made her shiver in his arms, and then a throaty laugh escaped her. “I’d also planned to lock you away in a delightful little chamber after we were married,” she said. “But perhaps I won’t.”
Because he’d pleased her. Then this was just the beginning.
“I’ll taste every inch of you,” he vowed and dropped her onto the bed. And by the gods, he felt like a king merely looking at her—brown skin against white velvet, her plush lips swollen from his kisses, her eyes glazed with the pleasure he’d already given her. Her curls spilled over her shoulders to curtain her breasts as she pushed up onto her elbows. “I can’t wait to eat you up.”
“No time for that,” she panted as his big hands began to push her thighs apart. He groaned when her cunt was revealed to him. So luscious. And so wet. For him. “There’s no time to waste.”
“Tasting you could never be a waste of time, Princess.”
“When they realize I’m gone, they’ll come looking for me.”
He froze. “How soon?”
She bit her lip. Not shy this time, but as if in brief apology before she admitted, “Fifteen minutes. At most.”
A laugh barked from him. Fifteen minutes. She’d been more confident in her seduction than he’d been. He’d planned a full hour before discovery.
But then, she’d come to Tamas. Servant gossip had likely told her she’d only need to spread her legs and his brother would be between them.
Yet now his brother would never touch her. Only Bane would.
His fingers dug into the softness of her thighs, shoving them wide. “Not every inch of you, then,” he told her with hunger thickening his voice. “Just the most important inches. Just enough to get this little cunt slicked up and ready to take my cock. So I can get every inch of me deep inside you.”
“Then they’ll find us.” Her fingers fisted in the white velvet counterpane when his breath stirred the curls between her thighs. “But it’ll be too late.”
Much too late. It was already too late when he had his first taste of her mouth. And now this, this. Perfection under his tongue. She stiffened up again at his first long lick, as if she wasn’t sure what to expect, as if she wasn’t sure if it would hurt. But if there was any pain, it was his, knowing he’d gone all the years of his life without this. Without her. All those years, worth nothing now that Bane knew what he’d been missing.
But by the gods, he would not waste another second.
Her stiffness eased on the second lick, the rigid muscles of her thighs softening under his hands. He heard her sigh, and watched her teeth catch her bottom lip again, but her gaze locked on his face said that it was to keep herself quiet so that she wouldn’t distract him.
As if anything could tear him away from her before she came.
Never before had Bane feasted between a woman’s thighs, but he’d heard enough and seen enough to know where to focus his attentions—and her gasp when his tongue glided over her clit told Bane that his education hadn’t been amiss. But the rest, he learned from her. From the surprised cry she made the first time he sucked on that pulsing bud. From the endless wetness that slicked his mouth and chin when he fucked his tongue past her entrance. From the frantic movement of her hips that nearly bucked him off and forced Bane to pin her down.
Growling, he set upon her again. Starving for her slickness, her sweetness. Desperate to taste the pleasure he was giving to her.
What had she done to him? And so quickly? He would think her a sorceress, but no magic could fill a heart like his was being filled. No spell could overturn a man’s will or his purpose. Yet his had been. He’d had a plan, but now he gladly followed hers. He’d intended to be a king, but now he only cared to be her king.
But whether she was sorceress or queen or goddess, it hardly mattered. Either way, he’d worship forever at her cunt.
Her thighs began to shake before she clamped them around his head. She was about to come, he realized. Pride and awe stuffed his chest full. He was about to make her come. Hungrily he went after her clit until she was crying out and grinding against his mouth, her hot flesh pulsing against his tongue.
“Oh,” she breathed in wonder, falling back against the bed as if boneless. “That was much better than my fingers. I might enjoy this marriage after all.”
Enjoy it? Bane drew back, licking the lingering wetness from his lips. He would make her love it. Feral purpose took hold of him. He would make her come again, but this time on his cock. He would have her squirming beneath him, crying out—not his name, not yet. No, he would fuck her so hard and so good that she’d make no sounds at all except for her moans and her screams that she loved it, she loved it.