Page 36 of Sheikh's Pregnant Cinderella
She shuddered, then opened her eyes to meet dark gold ones that burned with single-minded purpose. For the longest moment, Zufar stared at her. He didn’t utter a word. Neither did she.
Then one hand dipped between their bodies to settle firmly between her thighs. At her gasp, his nostrils flared, the only sign that he’d registered her response.
The moment he established that she was wet, needy and more than ready for him, he angled the thick column of his erection and thrust, deeply and powerfully, inside her.
Her husky moan was filled with need and awe, her senses ripping apart at the potency of his possession.
Even when she realised that the only sounds filling the room were coming from her, his silent lovemaking was still electrifying, perhaps even more so than the night before since her body now knew what to expect.
Minutes later, she found out that even in that she was wrong, that there was a new determination in his lovemaking that robbed her of the little breath she’d managed to sustain.
He captured and pinned her arms above her head, and then, with caged intensity, he thrust relentlessly into her, the formidable power of it driving home one purpose—ensuring she took his seed and produced the heir he wanted.
The small part of her that attempted to shrink back from such a complete but detached coupling was soon swept under the traitorous melting that radiated from her core and took control of her own being.
The tiny cry she gave as she crested the pinnacle of pleasure was soon followed by his suppressed groan as he, too, achieved his release.
Moments later, he left the bed. She heard the muted hiss of the shower and sagged onto the pillows, willing her heartbeat and the tumultuous emotions reeling through her to slow.
She really couldn’t afford to lose her mind each time he touched her. Every instinct warned that would be reckless in the extreme. Already his brief absence was triggering a craving for another glimpse of him, and somewhere in the back of her mind a tiny clock was counting down the five years she’d agreed with him.
What would happen afterwards?
Banishment from the palace? Niesha jackknifed into sitting position, realising she should have hammered out more than just parting with her freedom for five years. Would she be allowed to take her children with her? Or would she be once again condemned to a life of loneliness and desolation?
She firmed her lips. No, she wouldn’t let that happen. No matter what, the children she produced with Zufar would be part hers.
But then he was the King, with endless resources to fight her if he so wished.
She was grappling with the future threat when he emerged from the bathroom. And just like that every thought evaporated from her head.
His thick black hair was slicked back from his face, glistening damply beneath the low-lit chandeliers. His arms and chest rippled with sleek muscles as he strode towards the bed. But it was the snowy white towel, knotted low on his hips and framing the divine V of his pelvis, that made her mouth water shamefully.
She held her breath, unable to prise her gaze from him as he sauntered over to the bed.
A moment passed, then two. At his continued silent scrutiny, she dragged her head up. ‘Good morning,’ she said after swallowing hard.
He raised an eyebrow. ‘Is it?’
Her fingers bunched in the sheets, her heart lurching wildly. Had the new day triggered a change of mind? Did he wish to renege on the deal he’d struck? Was he going to chase after Amira after all?
Why that thought left a pile of ash in her mouth when she’d all but demanded the very same thing last night floored her.
She lifted a hand in a futile attempt to ease the sudden sharp ache hammering beneath her breastbone.
‘I ask because you were having a distressing dream. It was why I woke you up.’
Her hand dropped to her lap, unsettling relief weaving through her. A moment later, her heart dropped too, slowing to a disturbingly dull thud. Was that why he’d made love to her too? To distract her from her nightmare?
‘Oh, I see. Thank you,’ she murmured, because, really, what did it matter why he’d woken her? She’d agreed, without force or coercion, to be his brood mare. So why was the reality dampening her mood?
His eyes narrowed on her face. ‘Are you well?’ he asked abruptly.
Did he mean the nightmare? Or what had happened last night and this morning. Or generally? Again, what did it matter? She nodded jerkily. ‘I...I’m fine.’
He gave a brisk nod. ‘You will join me for breakfast. After that, your time is your own, save for the hour or so you need to select your staff. My chief aide will provide you with a shortlist.’
The briskness with which he walked away towards his dressing room told her she didn’t have time to linger on yet another bombshell dropped so neatly at her feet. She would think about what on earth she would do with a staff later, when she was appropriately dressed.