Page 23 of Sheikh's Pregnant Cinderella
‘I’ll be calm when you tell me that this marriage will be annulled as soon as possible,’ she returned.
He didn’t react to the unbecoming screech in her voice or the undeniable accusation she lobbed at him. He merely continued to stride away from her towards the living room, leaving her no choice but to follow.
She watched him lower his impressive frame into the heavy silk armchair she was sure cost more than two years’ salary, and cross one leg over the other.
‘I’ve had you investigated,’ he stated baldly. ‘You do not have any family, correct?’
A bolt of pain shot through her heart, along with the shock of discovering he was changing tactic yet again.
With balled fists, she stared at him. ‘You had me investigated?’ she parroted.
He nodded calmly, as if her incredulity was of no consequence to him. Perhaps it wasn’t. But the thought that while they’d been exchanging vows he’d been digging into her background made nausea rise in her belly. Knowing what he’d found, knowing that he had evidence that she was a nobody, literally and figuratively, sent another wave of anguish through her.
Nonetheless, she raised her chin. ‘Then you’ll have your confirmation that I’m unsuitable for this...this...’
‘Being my Queen?’ he finished softly. So softly she barely heard the words.
Why was he so calm? Why was he not doing everything in his power to be rid of her at the first opportunity?
‘Yes,’ she hissed, taking a step closer to him even though her instincts warned that it would be wiser to keep a sensible distance between them.
‘On the contrary, I believe it is to my advantage.’
‘Your advantage?’ she echoed blankly.
‘Precisely. I have no relatives to appease, no scandals to come out of the woodwork. There is only you to deal with,’ he stated with faint satisfaction.
Her heart lurched. ‘What exactly do you mean by that?’
His gaze raked over her again, lingering longer this time. As if he had all the time in the world. ‘You’ve had a challenging day, little one. Sit down before you fall down.’
Niesha barely managed to stop herself from stomping her feet. ‘I’m not as weak as you think I am. I’m perfectly capable of carrying on a conversation without needing to wilt into the nearest chair.’
‘But perhaps it will be more civil that way?’ he parried in a mocking tone before flicking one sleekly elegant hand towards the seat next to him.
The suggestion that she was not being civilised cut her to the quick. Niesha brushed it aside. She didn’t really care what his opinion was of her. All she cared about was that this evening’s conversation ended with her achieving her freedom.
Nevertheless, she made her way to the sofa, acutely aware that he followed her every step until she perched on the corner of it, tucking her legs neatly to one side and folding her hands in her lap. Only then did she lift her head and meet his gaze full on. An expression passed through his eyes, gone too quickly for her to decipher.
‘I’m sitting down now, Your Highness. Please explain yourself.’
He gave the barest hint of a smile, but it was gone an instant later.
‘The constitution is not as backwards as I allowed you to think. Divorce isn’t disallowed, but, were I to divorce, I would be the first in my family’s history to do so.’
Relief surged through her, but it was accompanied by an alien, disturbing sensation she couldn’t quite pinpoint. ‘We can divorce?’ she repeated slowly, wondering why the words attempted to stick in her throat.
He remained silent for a long moment, then he gave a brisk nod. ‘Yes.’ The word was uttered with a single, acrid bite. ‘There is a clause that states that divorce can be initiated by either party, but there are specific circumstances under which it will be considered.’
‘What circumstances?’
His nostrils flared. ‘Infidelity.’
Her eyes widened when he didn’t continue. ‘That’s it?’
‘Yes,’ he said.
‘But—I’m not... This isn’t a true marriage...not that I have any intention of doing...being unfaithful...’ She shook her head to stem her babbling. ‘All this is absurd. What about an annulment?’ she tagged on desperately.