Page 24 of Pregnant at Acosta's Demand
She took a deep breath. ‘You can have any woman you want. You only have to click your fingers to have them lining up outside your gate to have your baby. Why go to these lengths? And why me?’
This time the trace of pain was fleeting, very hurriedly controlled. ‘I can’t just pluck a surrogate off the Internet. These things take months, sometimes even years to find a right match.’
‘What about your little black book? Surely you have conquests that went beyond a one-night stand, who will be happy to bear you a child?’
His full lips compressed. ‘I haven’t yet come across a woman who, no matter how much she initially claims otherwise, doesn’t start imagining a deeper, more meaningful relationship with me at some point. I’m not interested in that.’
‘Right. You were so not interested in that that you were once engaged to be married?’
He ignored her sarcasm. ‘I was once engaged because I believed a relationship was a viable option for me. I no longer believe that. Marriage is not for me. And why you?’ He shrugged. ‘Because you require a sperm donor and I happen to need a surrogate. The timing couldn’t be better. Besides, with you I know exactly what I’m getting.’
‘And what’s that?’
‘A black-and-white transaction with no frills, no insincere platitudes and one hundred per cent commitment signed in ink.’
Her chest squeezed tight. ‘I’m not just going to hand over my baby to you the moment he or she is born, Ramon. You can forget that right now.’
Two things happened right then. All six feet four inches of him froze in rigid attention. And Suki realised just what she’d said.
‘So you agree to bear my child?’ he clipped out after a long moment, his voice strangely hoarse.
Her breath shook out. ‘ Not yet.’
‘This is very much a yes or no situation.’
‘And I very much would like five minutes to think about what I’m agreeing to before I say yes to bringing another child into this world!’
He rocked back on his heels, then turned towards his desk. ‘While you think about it, I’ll get the kitchen to bring you some refreshments.’
Her raw laugh scraped her throat. ‘Canapés aren’t going to make deciding any easier.’
‘Neither will starvation and dehydration. You’re much thinner than you were the last time I saw yo
‘Yes, I’ve been through a trauma or two,’ she replied.
‘I’m aware of that. But we still need to remedy that,’ he countered.
‘Fine, let’s fatten me up for the slaughter,’ she muttered under her breath, because he was already lifting the phone, relating instructions in rapid Spanish.
That done, he returned to his position as silent, merciless master in front of her. After several minutes had gone by, he crossed over and sat down next to her. Elbows on his knees, he angled his body towards hers.
‘What is it, Suki? Spit it out.’
She didn’t want to say the words out loud, but the fear in her heart wouldn’t dissipate. ‘I’m...are you not afraid that something will go wrong?’ Again.
A muscle ticced in his jaw. ‘You were about to get yourself artificially inseminated. What guarantees do you have that that pregnancy will proceed smoothly?’
Her heart twisted. ‘None.’
He nodded. ‘Muy bien. Then we are in the same boat. But rest assured we will have the benefit of the top obstetricians in the world monitoring you round the clock.’
The assurance eased the constriction around her heart, followed swiftly by the realisation that she was seriously contemplating agreeing to Ramon’s wishes.
‘What do you think he would say to you helping me to continue his family line?’
Her heart tugged painfully, the belief that Luis would’ve urged her on so strong, her breath caught. Whether that was the reason the constriction further eased in her chest, or because she now had fresh hope for her mother, she didn’t know. And even if she seriously considered refusing, with Ramon determined to throw himself in the way of her having a child any other way but with him, her options for a child of her own were limited, considering she had very little financial resources left.