Page 41 of His Mistress by Blackmail
All traces of mirth left his face. Once again, he became Xandro Christofides, ruthless and controlling mogul in pursuit of a vital piece of his past. ‘Then you’ll find out the hard way that you’re not as important to him as you think. And I’ll devote even more of my considerable resources into getting back what’s mine.’
A moment ago she’d been alarmed that she couldn’t figure him out. The simple truth was he was a merciless strategist who would chew her up and spit her out at the first sign of vulnerability if it served his purpose.
THAT OBSERVATION AND acceptance settled a few things for her.
Suddenly chilled, she turned her back on the sunrise, shivering despite the warmth in the room.
Xandro stepped in front of her, piercing eyes narrowing on her. ‘Do you think me cold?’ he observed clinically.
‘What I think of you doesn’t matter any more, does it? I’m just a pawn in your battle with Ben.’
His lips thinned. ‘Sage—’
She shook her head. ‘That’s fine; I get it. But there is one thing I’d like, though. Now that you’ve succeeded in setting your little fire under him, can this ruse be over already? I’ll stay here, of course, but no more PDAs, if you don’t mind.’
‘I do mind,’ he returned implacably. ‘Our agreement stays in place until I have my possession back.’
She took a deep breath, realising she was partly to blame for her current situation. When she’d first agreed to act as the lure for her brother, she’d been far away from here in a foreign land, removed from the possible consequences such a visible association with Xandro would bring.
Greece was his home, despite whatever had happened to rip his family apart. He was revered there and, according to what she’d read about him, his clout and image extended through the halls of government. But Vegas was his stomping ground and, as she’d witnessed yesterday, the media on this side of the world clamoured for all things Xandro Christofides. She couldn’t hide from confronting what that could mean for her. Extended exposure to his world would damage hers in the long run.
‘I haven’t worked this hard to have people think I got this position by sleeping with you,’ she forced out.
‘And you care that much about what other people think?’ he countered.
‘When it can impact on my career long after I’m smoke in your rear-view mirror? Absolutely.’
He raised an eyebrow. ‘For all you know, this association will benefit you.’
‘I make assumptions based on the evidence I have. Isn’t it true that you don’t date anyone for longer than a few months?’
His jaw gritted for a moment, then he shrugged. ‘Regardless of that fact, I assure you that the impact—’
‘I don’t want you to impact on me in any way.’
‘Don’t be naive.’
She inhaled sharply. ‘Excuse me?’
‘You live in a city where networking literally rules the world. Whatever happens between us, you can take comfort in the fact that it won’t adversely affect your career.’
‘Sorry, I don’t want to take comfort in that. I need to be able to go to bed at night knowing I don’t owe my success to anyone but myself.’
‘And I want to take you to bed at night, period,’ he gritted out roughly.
Her mouth gaped, momentarily silenced by the ragged hunger etched in his face. They stared at each other for an age.
Then he gave her a mocking smile. ‘Now that I have you adequately speechless, I’ll add this. Your brother is in a spiral. This thing will be over by the time the production starts. Whatever rumours arise from our association will eventually die. In the meantime, I intend to explore wherever our attraction takes us.’
‘Nowhere. It’ll take us nowhere,’ she stressed firmly. For his sake and definitely for hers.
He shrugged. ‘We’ll see. And now I think I’ll draw a line under this discussion and get on with my day.’
He started to walk away.
‘What about your...whoever warms your bed these days? Won’t she object to you carrying on this charade with another woman?’