Page 20 of His Mistress by Blackmail
‘Are you serious?’ This time her voice was a shaky mess of anger and hopeless frustration, the knowledge that she was right where she hated most, in someone else’s overbearing control, raking raw fingers through her.
‘Extremely. You have a few demanding weeks ahead of you.’
Sage couldn’t tell whether he was referring to her professional or personal life. She told herself it was the need to curtail her temper and keep her wits about her that was preventing her from exploding. If she’d learned anything about Xandro Christofides, it was that even though he had a burning need to be reunited with his possession, which was evident every time he spoke of it, he was also infuriatingly patient in playing the long game.
Right now he was tucking into his meal, helping himself to shrimp saganaki with rice, followed by lamb and herb meatballs, as if he had all the time in the world.
There was nothing to be achieved by ranting and raving. Not when he was her only means of getting off the island. So she forced herself to take a few bites of food, washed down with water after she’d refused wine.
When her plate was half-cleared she set down her cutlery. ‘Explain to me what’s going on.’ Her voice emerged firmer this time, much to her relief.
He twirled his wineglass, looking down into the golden depths for several seconds before he directed his gaze to her.
‘I kept you here because your phone records show that he’s due to get in touch with you soon. When he does I need you to talk to him. Convince him that he’s better off coming back to the States to deal with me.’ Again she heard that hint of the unknown in his voice.
‘You’ve already tried to talk to him, haven’t you?’
He didn’t deny it. ‘Like you, I’ve attempted to reach him since he stole from me. He didn’t contact me directly. He left a message with my security chief.’
‘To say what?’
He gave a grim smile. ‘It’s best not repeated, but suffice it to say it’s clear he has no intention of returning with my possession soon. I’m hoping you’ll be more successful in getting through to him.’
‘Or what?’
‘Or the next step will be facing the authorities whenever he resurfaces. And, contrary to what he may think, he can’t hide for ever.’
Her nape tingled with foreboding. Everything Xandro had said cemented Ben’s guilt. So she forced the words that needed to be said to end this. ‘So what do you want with me?’
‘What I’ve wanted from the beginning. For you to convince him to return what’s mine. I’m the big bad wealthy bastard he sees as the source of his problems. But he cares about you.’
‘And so you intend to use me as a pawn?’ she surmised.
‘If it’ll make him come to his senses, yes.’
Ice crawled over her skin as the question she’d asked her own parents three years ago reluctantly formed on her tongue. ‘What if I refuse?’
‘My offer hasn’t changed. The more time I waste on him, the less lenient I’ll be when I eventually catch up with him.’
She balled her fists. ‘He hasn’t answered any of my messages or emails. What makes you think he’ll take my call?’
His gaze swept down for a moment before he rose. ‘Because, as of this morning, I’ve issued a press release stating my new venture with Hunter’s. I’ve also revealed to a few sources who the new members of the dance company are. Your brother takes a keen interest in your career, does he not?’
She nodded because it was no use denying it. Xandro knew enough about her to know she and Ben were close. That was why he’d come after her in the first place.
‘I like my privacy. So when I have news to share the media tend to take notice,’ Xandro said coolly.
‘So you’ve told the whole world that you’ve bought a dance company and I’m somewhere on the list of your new members.’
‘You’re right at the top of the list. With a few careful embellishments that will draw his attention.’
‘What embellishments?’
Xandro shrugged. ‘Let’s just say that if he hates me as much as I think he does, the idea of you being mine will not go down well.’
She gasped. ‘The idea of being yours? What on earth are you talking about?’
‘He will know you’re the primary reason I bought the company. He’ll know that I attended your auditions and that you’re currently here alone on this island with me. I’m letting his imagination fill in the remaining gaps.’