Page 18 of His Mistress by Blackmail
Sage re-joined the rest of the group on the terrace, where breakfast was laid out. She was polishing off her scrambled eggs on toast when a member of staff informed them that Melissa wished to see them again. Varying expressions of hope and fear greeted the summons.
Appetites lost, they hurried back into the ballroom, lining up as the three judges conferred for another minute.
Finally, Melissa leaned forward, her gaze slashing over the crowd before she cleared her throat. ‘We’ve made a decision on the final six.’ And, with perfectly manicured fingers steepled before her, she reeled off the names.
And, just like the night before, the news that she had made the cut, that she was finally a member of Hunter Dance Company, hit Sage with a mixture of elation, shock and dread.
She’d done it.
The single ambition she’d pushed herself to the limit of her endurance to achieve for the past three years had come to fruition. And yet the heavy stone wouldn’t move from her belly.
The reason for that dread walked into the room one minute later.
‘Oh, hell. Here comes Mr Storm Cloud,’ Michael muttered with a grimace. ‘I don’t think he likes me very much.’
‘I think you’re overreacting,’ she offered feebly.
‘Really? Then why is he glaring at me right now?’
She glanced at Xandro and, sure enough, his eyes were narrowed on Michael. Sage remained silent, her focus almost magnetically drawn to the tall, lithe figure striding to the only remaining seat in the room.
Xandro was dressed less formally this morning. But although the dark cargo pants and white open-necked linen shirt were a contrast to the bespoke suit and tie he’d worn to dinner last night, the package was no less intimidating. No less visually captivating.
With his broad shoulders, rugged looks and
an almost regal profile, the man carried himself like one of the many gods his homeland was famous for.
Inwardly grimacing at herself for her runaway thoughts, she dragged her gaze to Melissa—who was smiling at Xandro as he took a seat next to her and leaned over to catch whatever she was saying to him.
Sage was sure the sour taste in her mouth was due to the shock and nerves strangling her insides and not the mild jealousy the voice in her head suggested.
‘Allow me to officially add my congratulations and welcome you to Hunter Dance Company.’ His gaze travelled over the group, skated right over her as if she didn’t exist, as if their charged conversation last night hadn’t taken place, before he continued. ‘I have other business matters to attend to this morning but now you’re under the broader umbrella of my company, it’s right that we celebrate properly. Melissa will give you further details. I’ll demand your one hundred per cent commitment to future projects and you have my word that you will be well-rewarded in return.’ With a flicked glance at Melissa, who preened under the attention, he stood up again. ‘I look forward to seeing you all again very soon.’
Sage was trying very hard to dig out the traps behind his words as he walked out, again without acknowledging her.
Melissa sat back, toying with the ends of her teased blonde hair. ‘Before your curiosity eats you alive, the celebrations Xand... Mr Christofides referred to will take place at his hotel in Las Vegas in three weeks’ time. He’s throwing a party for the whole dance company and you’re all expected to attend. Full rehearsals won’t start for another month, but until then, you’ll be given routines to rehearse on your own. And that’s it. Pack your bags; we leave for the airport after lunch.’
With the adrenaline high of their good news settling in, the noise levels rose. Sage forced herself to join in. She must have done a moderate job because she didn’t attract any puzzled glances. In fact she made it to her room in one piece, with a promise to join everyone for lunch.
But as she undressed and headed for the shower, the smile she’d pinned on her face dissolved, leaving her eyes prickling with tears.
Her greatest achievement. And she had no one to share it with because the only person who’d ever truly believed in her was still maintaining radio silence. With his mailbox still full, she couldn’t even leave Ben a message with her good news.
Hot, bitter tears fell as the jets pummelled her body. She allowed them for a minute, before she furiously scrubbed them away. She’d drawn the line at having the rest of her life controlled.
As much as it hurt to be alone right now, she wasn’t about to back down from following her dream.
Helena, the affable and efficient housekeeper, was the first person she met when she went downstairs for lunch. She smiled, then eyed the case Sage had brought down with her before she indicated for Sage to follow her to the dining room.
Sage frowned, wondering why she wasn’t heading for the terrace, where their lunch was normally served. She found out why when she walked in to find Xandro seated at the head of the table.
A table set for two.
He stood and muttered an instruction in Greek to his staff. The young man she’d seen around the villa approached and held out his hand to her. ‘Stavros will take your suitcase,’ Xandro said.
‘Why?’ she asked suspiciously.
‘So you can sit down and have lunch. Unless you intend to eat with one hand?’ he mocked.