Page 27 of Signed Over to Santino
‘Once we finalise your costume and script, we’ll start with the nightclub shoots. We’ll shoot the ice-skating scenes last when you’re completely healed,’ Javier added. ‘In the meantime, Darren will supply you with some in-depth information of the product to read up on.’
‘Isn’t the script going to suffice?’ she asked.
A terse smile curved his lips. ‘You train three times a day to be the best at what you do. It’s no different for me. I believe in arming myself with as much information as possible in every situation. Since you’re part of this project that applies to you too. Knowledge is power. Don’t you agree?’
She knew they were talking about something completely different. That he was taunting her—again. ‘Yes. Of course.’
‘Is there anything else?’ he asked his creative director, who’d been watching their interaction with blatant curiosity.
Darren shook his head. ‘That’s it for now. All the info you need is in the packet including the schedule we hope to achieve. I’m the location scout for the shoot as well so I’ll be in touch to arrange a visit to the rink we intend to use. If you have any questions, Carla, my business card is on the first page...’ He trailed off when Javier’s mouth suddenly flattened. ‘Or I’m sure Mr Santino can help you out.’
Carla swallowed, the thought of returning to the ice suddenly chilling her skin.
She looked up and caught Javier’s shrewd glance. ‘Yes?’
‘What’s wrong?’
She glanced away. ‘Nothing. I’m fine.’
But she wasn’t. The slight trembling that had taken hold when Javier mentioned returning to the ice rink had intensified in the time since. Much as it had every time she’d thought about it since leaving hospital. Unwilling to show her uncontrolled reaction, she turned away from the table.
‘That’ll be all for now, Darren,’ Javier said. ‘We’ll touch base in the office on Monday.’
‘Sure. Uh...great to meet you, Carla.’
She summoned a fuller, warmer smile, then walked to the leather sofa situated to one side of the room. Their low voices registered on the edge of her consciousness as they left the office. She sank into the seat, massaging her temples as she took deep breaths.
Javier hadn’t believed nothing was wrong. She wondered why she’d even bothered trying to fob him off. Because he was back seconds later, striding straight over to crouch in front of her.
‘Tell me what’s going on with you. Now.’
JAVIER’S TEETH GRITTED as she shook her head. He didn’t want to believe it was a refusal to answer him. That would mean he still wasn’t getting through to her. That she didn’t think he was serious about every last ounce of reparation he intended to extract from her. His gut clenched hard.
‘Are you feeling unwell again?’
That would be the only reason he would accept for her behaviour. ‘I told you, I’m fine.’
She tried to release herself. He refused to let her go. Holding her still this close would focus her attention on him instead of on other things. Or other men.
His jaw clenched harder, a sliver of self-disgust rising at the way he’d felt when she’d turned her stunning eyes on O’Hare. Bestowed that beautiful but rare smile on him.
Jealous. He’d been consumed with jealousy.
Which was unacceptable.
‘Explain to me then why you looked as if you’d fallen into a trance just now.’
She met his gaze for one bold moment, then looked away with a shrug. ‘I’m sorry you don’t like the way I look when I’m thinking—’
‘Don’t insult my—madre de Dios, look at me when I’m talking to you!’
Her chin angled up. Almond-shaped pools of green glared at him. Instead of raising his annoyance level, it eased a restriction in his chest. ‘I’m looking at you. Satisfied?’