Page 65 of The Sinful Art of Revenge
For the second time today, Damion Fortier was on his knees, his fingers and lips heating up skin that had gone clammy and tight with dread.
Tears welled in her eyes, a choking sob shaking through her frame. He caught her to him, resting his cheek against her back as she sobbed. Finally he rose and gathered her close, murmuring to her softly in French.
When her tears subsided, he reached for the fastening of her pencil skirt. Fresh dread crept through her. ‘There’s more, Damion.’
‘Every inch, Reiko,’ he returned, his deep, purposeful tone brooking no argument.
He eased her skirt down, taking her panties with it. Her bra came off next. Naked, scared and more than a little shaky emotionally, Reiko wanted to bolt. But Damion’s eyes held her captive. The harsh breaths rushing from his chest, the volcanic heat of his gaze and the taut control he held over his body made her entertain the belief that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t revolted by the sight of her. The very thought of it made her sway with relief.
He caught her to him, capturing her face in his strong hands so he could devour her lips one more time. His teeth caught her lower lip in a not-so-delicate bite that made liquid heat rush to her core. Against his hard chest her nipples peaked, burning with the urge to be touched. As if in tune with her every need, he captured one breast in his palm, kneading it before squeezing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
Against the ravaging force of his lips, she cried out.
With a loud sucking noise, he pulled back. He licked his lips as he stared down at her body, his hand reaching out to capture her other breast.
Her moan was long and loud and desire-drenched.
‘Do I still turn you on?’ he demanded, his voice harsh with arousal.
Through desire-swollen lips she answered, ‘God, you know you do.’
‘Do you trust me?’
‘Yes,’ she breathed.
He grasped her waist and picked her up, his strides long and focused. Gently he laid her on the bed and stood back. He inhaled slowly, his gaze never leaving hers as he stood and released his belt and lowered his zipper. Her gaze started to slide downward.
‘Keep your eyes on mine. I need to see the trust in your eyes. And you don’t need to see how needful I am for you right now.’
‘But you’re perfect. I … I’m not.’
‘Your scars don’t define who you are. Besides, I wasn’t talking about that. Five years is a long time, but I haven’t forgotten how tight and small you are. I, on the other hand, am not.’
No arrogance, just statement of fact.
The breath rushed out of her lungs. ‘Stop boasting, Damion. I know how big you are. I also know you won’t hurt me.’
Relief poured out of him. ‘You unman me with your words, ma belle.’
‘Not too much, I hope. I need a bit of your manliness.’
With a grin, he shucked off his trousers and stepped from them. ‘My bounce-back rate remains phenomenal.’ He stretched out beside her, his face sobering as his graze traced over her. ‘I want you. Badly.’
She shifted closer to his warmth, gasping when her breasts encountered the silky hair on his chest. ‘I want you, too.’ Unable to help herself, she pressed her lips to the tight skin of his shoulder.
A shudder raked his powerful frame. ‘Reiko, I need to make sure you’re ready. I can take this as slow as you want.’ His voice held a gently pleading quality that lit a triumphant flame in her heart.
Boldly, she raised one leg and slid it over his thigh. ‘I’m ready. Feel free to check it out for yourself.’
The hand that had been causing havoc with her breasts stilled for a moment, then trailed down over the marred flesh of her stomach, through the silky curls, before dipping into her cleft.
A deep groan tore through his throat at the wet evidence of her need. She lifted heavy lids and her gaze collided with his. With the utmost care, he dipped one finger inside her. Her muscles immediately tightened around him.
‘Are you okay, ma cherie?’ he rasped throatily.
Breath gushing with trepidation, she bit her lip and nodded. There was no pain, but the tightness held a mild discomfort. Damion withdrew his finger but kept his hand pressed against her. His thumb circled her clitoris, sending waves of renewed pleasure roaring through her. Just as he’d done at the pool, he took one nipple in his mouth, his tongue flicking urgently against her flesh, causing her to cry out.
She grasped his silky hair, her movements almost forceful, as wild, unbearable hunger washed away anxiety. Again and again he took her to the edge, only to withdraw before she took that final step into oblivion.