Page 60 of The Sinful Art of Revenge
He straightened and headed for the shower. Watching him go, she swallowed against the forceful feelings roiling through her.
Damion Fortier was still the dangerous and frighteningly ruthless man she’d discovered five years ago. But in the past couple of days, he’d shown her a side of him she hadn’t really seen before. He’d shown her he could be kind, supportive and incredibly generous.
His ruthless streak wasn’t far from the surface, but these newly discovered traits of his character, coupled with his dangerously intent single-minded determination to go after what he wanted, were … sexy.
As for his body …
With the trunks moulded to his rear, she couldn’t miss the hard, mouth-watering shape of it. Or the V-shaped torso that could easily have belonged to a Roman gladiator. Moisture gathered in her mouth and in other places as she kept staring at his back.
He moved beneath the first of the triple showers lining one side of the pool. At his deep shudder she guessed the temperature of the water was nowhere near the cosy temperature of the thermal pool.
Reiko swallowed, started to contemplate the wisdom of what she was thinking … and then stopped thinking altogether.
He tensed at the first touch of her hand. She gasped at how cold the water was.
Sluicing water out of his eyes, Damion whipped his head towards her. ‘What are you doing?’
Her gaze fell to the still very much powerful erection, which hadn’t abated despite the freezing cold.
‘I was thinking I could … you know … help you out.’ She licked her lips and his eyes gleamed dangerously.
‘Five years ago you couldn’t say blow job without blushing. That fact that you still can’t makes me think you shouldn’t be offering, cherie.’
She reddened even while her chin rose. ‘Is that a dare?’
He braced one hand against the shower wall, his jaw tightening as he shut his eyes for one split second. ‘It’s a plea to get off this subject.’
Devilish delight danced through her. ‘Why? Is it too hard for you?’
The sound he emitted was half groan, half stunned disbelief. ‘Dammit, Reiko, don’t push a desperate man to his limit.’
‘But I’m offering the perfect solution.’
His hands lowered, his eyes turning the darker shade of grey she equated with Serious Damion.
‘The next time I seek release with you, I want to be inside you. Nothing else will do.’
Pain ripped through her, the knowledge that that would never happen forcing a heavy, immovable lump into her chest. ‘And if that never happens?’
‘It will.’
He said it with such unshakeable certainly Reiko allowed herself to believe for a second. For one foolish, desperate second. Then reality crashed through.
As if he could guess her thoughts, an implacable expression settled on his face. ‘Whatever you think is wrong with you, we’ll overcome it. I’ll accept nothing but success. And neither should you.’
‘That’s not what—’
He placed a long forefinger over her lips. ‘We will make love, you and I. And you will cry out with the power of your release in my arms.’ He stepped closer. ‘For now, though, I’ll take a kiss.’
‘Is that wise?’ she ventured.
‘No, but that’s what cold showers are for.’
‘It doesn’t seem to be working.’ Boldly she let her gaze drop below his waist. ‘If you don’t have any other solution besides turning yourself into an ice sculpture, my offer still stands.’
‘That’s enough!’ He snapped shut the water with enough force to break the faucet. Luckily, the cast-iron had no doubt withstood the force of the Fortier ire before. ‘You’re right. This isn’t working.’