Page 51 of The Sinful Art of Revenge
‘What happened?’
‘I was the pawn my father used to try to keep my mother in line. She was trapped in a marriage she didn’t want, and he wouldn’t give her a divorce because he thought she belonged to him. He eventually killed her and then took his own life.’
Her horrified gasp produced a grim smile.
‘When I went to live with my grandparents, I fooled myself into thinking things would change. They didn’t. My grandmother used me to cover her infidelities—I won’t tell you the number of times I was late to school because she needed to see a friend—and my grandfather knew but was so besotted with her he forgave her. Each time it happened I saw him lose a piece of himself.’
‘I saw you together at the exhibition. You seemed close.’
Damion lids lowered. ‘There were times when my grandmother wasn’t around that he seemed a different man. It made the nightmarish times easier to bear.’
Several pieces of the puzzle that was Damion fell into place. ‘That’s why you’re trying to find the painting, even though you detest your grandmother?’
He picked up the bottle and started to remove the foil. ‘His last wish is to be buried with the Femme sur Plage. I won’t stand in the way of that wish.’
The finality of the statement told her it was time to move on. But she couldn’t. She cleared her throat. ‘So … you’re becoming obsessed with me?’
His fingers stilled. ‘I hope not, because that could be bad news for both of us.’
She licked suddenly dry lips. ‘Wh … why?’
He looked up and speared her gaze with his. ‘You’ve never asked me how I found out about that other man.’
She swallowed. ‘How did you?’
His la
ugh was a harsh sound that echoed in the semi-darkness. ‘I flew back two weeks after I left because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I tracked you down to your favourite wine bar in Tokyo. You were in a corner, kissing him. When you left, I followed you.’ He shrugged at her gasp. ‘When you took him to your apartment, I wanted to kill you both. That’s when I knew I had to stay away.’
‘And now?’
His gaze darkened. ‘I can’t bear the thought of you with other men, but to hate you for it would be hypocritical.’
‘Damion …’
‘Was it because of me? Did you sleep with him because I left you?’ he grated out.
That was the one question she’d been dreading. To answer would be to reveal how much power he’d had over her. But she couldn’t lie. ‘Yes. I was devastated that you’d lied to me about who you were, then tried to pay me off like I was some sleazy mistake after my grandfather died. I hated you, but I think I hated myself more. It happened only once. I … I never saw him again.’
He cursed under his breath. ‘Je suis désolé. There were many times when I wanted to tell you, but each day that went by made it harder.’ He shrugged. ‘I guess I wanted you more than I wanted your forgiveness. I’m sorry, but I’m not perfect.’
The tight knot loosened inside her. ‘I think we’ve established conclusively that neither of us are.’
He rounded the table and came towards her. ‘I still want you.’
She backed away from him. ‘Wait! I think there’s something you should know.’
A fierce gleam lit his eyes. ‘I don’t want to hear about the men, Reiko.’
‘That’s just it. I went out with a lot of them, but after that first one I didn’t sleep with any of them. I stupidly let my father think the worst of me so he’d stay with my mother.’
His eyes widened in surprise. His chest expanded on a heavy exhale. Then he renewed his pursuit. ‘Reiko—’
She retreated. ‘That doesn’t mean I’ll … You’re … I can’t sleep with you, Damion.’
His stride didn’t break. ‘Ah, oui, your little nugget about not being able to have sex. We still haven’t discussed that bombshell.’
She shook her head. ‘You don’t want to hear it, Damion. It’s not pretty.’