Page 46 of The Sinful Art of Revenge
‘With you in jail, I don’t get what I want. And I want you.’
‘You paid off Trevor’s debts in the hopes of getting into my pants?’
A distasteful look crossed his face. ‘There’s your tell. When you feel backed into a corner, you become crude. Some men might find that sexy—’
‘But you don’t?’
‘I’m more concerned with the why. You were downing tequila shots last night because you can’t handle what is happening between us.’
Forcefully, she pulled away from him. This time he let her go. ‘Downing shots is way better than your alternative!’
He stiffened. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘You had a year-long affair with a married woman. A married woman with children!’ The depth of her disgust rose like bile within her.
His hauntingly beautiful face hardened, his cheekbones standing out so prominently, he seemed hewn from marble. ‘Don’t presume to think you know—’
‘Oh, please! Everyone knows you destroyed Isadora Baptiste’s marriage, then discarded her when it suited you. Is it true you wouldn’t let her see her children for six whole months?’
His jaw clenched. ‘No. That’s not true.’
‘You can have any woman you want, Damion. Why would you break a family apart like that?’ Her throat felt raw.
‘I didn’t—’
‘You know what? This really isn’t any of my business. Just like my life is none of yours.’ Rapping on the partition, she asked the driver to pull over.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ he demanded.
‘I have a sudden urge to feed my goldfish. I don’t know when I’ll be back, so don’t wait up for me.’
Stepping out, she struck out blindly—just plunged into the throng of people and let them carry her. She didn’t realise where she was until she heard the eerie, hauntingly familiar sound of an approaching train.
Desperately she tried to step back. Panic clawed at her insides. A scream scrambled to get out despite her every effort to keep it down.
The train arrived and she felt herself being pushed forward.
Almost as if she had no control over her limbs, Reiko went with the crowd … and stepped onto the train.
Paralysed with fear, she clung to the nearest pole. She wouldn’t break down. She couldn’t. They’d arrive at the next stop in minutes.
Think about something else.
Taking huge gulps to calm her nerves, she scrambled arou
nd—and shut her eyes with a sense of inevitability when her mind alighted on its favourite subject.
Ever since Damion had crashed his way into Trevor’s house and back into her life, she hadn’t been able to take a full breath. Her body and mind felt on edge, as if she was on a roller coaster that was speeding faster and faster, every sign pointing to its careening out of control. And, try as she might, she couldn’t find the ‘off’ button.
This is crazy.
‘It’s nothing compared to what will happen if you ever run from me like that again.’ The deep, quietly livid tones of the man haunting her made her already hammering heart skitter out of control.
Reiko swivelled to find him behind her, molten grey eyes glaring down her, his chest heaving as if he’d ran a marathon.