Page 42 of The Sinful Art of Revenge
Yoshi let out an appreciative whistle and tucked the card into his pocket. With a wave, he melted into the heaving crowd.
Feeling desperately out of kilter, Reiko headed towards the bar.
‘Make that two,’ Damion ordered, peering down at her with those intense eyes.
When two shots of tequila were slid in front of her, she picked one up and downed it with a shudder.
‘Do you feel better?’ Damion enquired, sipping his.
‘ Nope.’
His features tightened. ‘It’s time to go.’ He guided her out with a hand in the small of her back. His car was waiting at the kerb and she slid in without protest.
As they pulled away, his gaze stayed on her. ‘Did you have a thing with him?’
Her breath caught. ‘With who?’
‘Yoshi Yamamoto.’
‘He’s my friend.’
‘That doesn’t answer my question. It’s very easy. Yes or no?’ A dangerous edge lined his voice.
He’d completely morphed from attentive companion and incredible dancer to an iceman whose eyes threatened to peel the skin from her flesh.
‘The answer is no. I’ve known him since we were kids. We’re just friends.’
‘Good,’ he rasped.
‘So, what? Now you’re jealous?’ she asked, incredulous.
‘I’m a possessive man. I don’t relinquish what is mine.’ He locked gazes with her, the force of his will rushing down on her like a thunderbolt from the sky. ‘Ever.’
The statement, simple in itself, was made with such gravity, such intense foreboding, that it sent a heavy pulse of apprehension through her.
Reiko stared at him, unable to look away despite the dangerous swirling emotions within her depths. He didn’t speak for several minutes. His gaze traced over her face, down her body, to the fingers she was twisting in her lap.
‘I’ve frightened you.’
She let out a hoarse laugh and shook her head. ‘You were intense before—just not this intense. It’s not frightening. It’s …’
‘A turn-on? The thought of being possessed by me again?’
The delicious thrill that went through her shamed and excited her even as she was pushing both feelings away. Damion would never possess her again.
‘Since that’ll never happen again, this is a moot point, isn’t it?’
‘Never is a delicious challenge at the best of times. When it has the discourtesy to come wrapped in something I really, really want …’ The rest of his words dangled tantalisingly out of reach. Then he added a Gallic shrug.
Her unravelling started with a force of melting heat rushing through her. Followed by the stinging puckering of her nipples. Damion smiled, as if he knew the effect he was having on her.
He captured her hand and raised it to his lips. Warm, firm, his kiss branded her.
‘Don’t be frightened, ma petite. This time will be even better than the first.’
‘First of all, don’t call me that. I’m not your little anything. Secondly, nothing is going to happen between us.’ Nothing could. It was impossible. ‘Besides, have you forgotten you have to find a future baroness soon? Tick-tock, my friend. Don’t waste your time on a conquest that has no meaning for you. You should be out there finding yourself a wife before you go extinct.’