Page 37 of The Sinful Art of Revenge
In the twenty-four hours since she’d dropped her bombshell, she’d felt that look over and over. Even when she’d pretended to be tired during their flight and sought the insanely luxurious comfort of the private jet’s divan, she’d felt his gaze on her.
What surprised her was that he hadn’t tried to prise the information out of her the way he’d tried to dig into everything else in her life.
The thought that he’d lost interest that quickly, that he was willing to move on to another, more palatable target, should have pleased her. Instead it reminded her again of how easily he’d walked away five years ago.
She pushed the painful thought to the back of her mind as a black limousine swung into the kerb in front of her.
Again she felt the heat of Damion’s hand as he pushed her towards it.
‘Wait—what are you doing?’
A droll expression flashed across his face. ‘I thought it was obvious. We’re getting into the car.’
‘You may be. I’m not. I’ll get a taxi. My apartment is only ten minutes away.’
‘You’re not staying at your apartment.’ His hand propelled her towards the car.
‘Don’t tell me—you just happen to own a penthouse suite in town, right?’
‘Naturally. I do a lot of business all over Japan. Besides, we have an agreement. Until the painting is in my possession, you remain with me.’
When her contact had informed her that he’d traced the Femme sur Plage to a Japanese collector, she’d hoped for a quick dissolution of their association. Instead his insistence that she finish the job had brought a foolish little bubble of pleasure even as the fear that he would uncover her secrets grew in direct proportion.
‘So if I had to go and feed my imaginary goldfish, you wouldn’t let me go?’
‘I’d come with you. I’m quite interested to see these fish for myself.’
She laughed. Just like that. The action took her by surprise. It seemed to take him by surprise, too, because his eyes widened right before a smile lifted his sensual mouth.
Reiko let herself be propelled forward. The driver opened the door for her. Just before she got in, she felt Damion move closer. His breath brushed against the shell of her ear. ‘I also haven’t forgotten that bombshell you dropped last night. You now owe me several explanations, ma fleur. So you’re not going to get away from me that easily.’
Icy dread snapped through her as she slid into the car. He got in behind her, his gaze intent on her face as the limo joined the smooth traffic.
Several emotions were coursing through her, none of which she could readily vocalise. Finally, she glanced at him. ‘I thought you’d given up on m—on pursuing that particular subject.’
The smile that curved his sensual mouth held the steel of determination. ‘Last night you were tired and distressed and clearly needed a reprieve. Don’t mistake reprieve for uninterest. I haven’t given up on you. Not by a long shot.’
Her breath quickened and she called herself ten kinds of fool for not running in the other direction. Once Damion knew the true extent of how damaged she was, he would be the one doing the running. Of that she had no doubt.
‘This boundary thing isn’t really a problem for you, is it?’
He grinned, flashing even white teeth that made him look years younger than his thirty-five. It also caused her heart to skitter in her chest like a rabbit on steroids.
‘Five years ago our chemistry was insane. Despite your curious desire to run from it, it’s still there. What you said was equivalent to tossing a grenade in my lap. Do you blame me for wanting to do something about that? What would you do in my place?’
A reluctant smile tugged at her lips. ‘I’d chuck it out the nearest window and run like hell.’ Recalling just what it was they were discussing, she sobered. ‘I don’t know why you’re intent on pursuing this, but I’m truly not the woman you knew five years ago, Damion.’
His smile slowly faded. ‘No, you’re not. But perhaps I may have misjudged you.’
She felt a sharp kick under her ribcage. ‘You didn’t. I took your money—’
‘Then promptly gave it away to charity.’
Her mouth dropped open, then snapped shut. ‘Don’t make me out to be a paragon, Damion. I’m as contemptible as you think I am.’ The things she’d done after he’d walked away …
He inhaled sharply. ‘We’ve both done things we’re not proud of, but nothing is unforgivable.’
The sudden lump in her throat made talking impossible so she just shook her head. When the pressure of his gaze got to be too much, she looked out of the window. Immediately she felt soothed by Kyoto’s familiar landmarks.