Page 26 of A Deal with Alejandro (Rival Brothers 1)
Alejandro closed his eyes against the morning sun’s glare. Behind him he heard the door open. He didn’t need to turn around to know Elise had arrived, at precisely 6:45, as she’d done all last week. He also knew that he’d spend the day with his senses attuned to her every movement in her office, although his interactions with her would be clinically brief because those charged ten minutes last Tuesday morning had deeply unsettled him. To the point where he had still remained perplexed at his own behaviour hours later. To the point where he’d questioned his own sanity.
He’d almost kissed her.
Had almost dared her to kiss him in payment for obtaining her services. Even more deplorable, for those insane minutes, he hadn’t cared about the potential damage he risked with his actions. Hadn’t cared about the ‘once bitten, twice shy’ warning that had been the dogma of his professional relationships for a decade.
The need to taste her had been unrelenting. Consuming. He remained disconcerted that just beneath the surface of his interactions with her, the need still fiercely burned.
‘Do you wish me to repeat that in Spanish, hermano?’ Gael’s voice brought him back to earth. To the room. To the click of heels drawing closer.
‘Muy bien, if this is the route you wish to take, then so be it.’
He ended the call and turned around.
Elise eyed him from her position before his desk. ‘Good morning.’
He nodded tersely, then made a concerted effort to shake off the barrage of unwanted sensations evoked by his brother and Elise. ‘Buenos días. I trust you had a good weekend?’
Her eyes widened, no doubt because his cordial tone was unexpected. ‘It was okay, nothing life-changing.’
‘How unfortunate. Weekends that aren’t life-changing ought to be stripped of their title and renamed Pointless Days.’
Her head tilted to one side. ‘Is that your attempt at a joke, Alejandro?’
‘Since you’re not laughing, I must respond firmly in the negative,’ he replied, his tone bone-dry.
Her mouth twitched, then she smiled. It was transformative enough to deliver a punch to his solar plexus, causing his breath to snag and the hairs on his arms to rise in near alarm.
Alejandro had dated women who could command the covers of fashion magazines with a snap of their fingers. And yet he was certain none of them could hold a candle to Elise’s smile.
All the same, he shouldn’t be this enthralled.
And yet...
‘Are you okay?’
‘Of course. Why should I not be?’ he quipped.
Her smile dimmed. ‘No reason. I just...overheard a little of your conversation. Something about not wishing to go to war?’
Any trace of mirth disappeared. ‘Eavesdropping, Elise?’
‘Not intentionally.’ She glanced at his phone. ‘Was that your brother?’
Her lack of fear when it came to him should’ve aggravated him. Sure, he tolerated the underlings who challenged him, but it was what he paid them to do.
Elise challenged him because she couldn’t help herself. When she wasn’t irritating him, Alejandro had found himself almost...refreshed by her.
But not right now.
‘Yes,’ he replied, paradoxically going against his better judgment of telling himself he owed her no answers.
A soft look entered her eyes. ‘And?’
His mouth twisted. ‘As predicted, he refuses to listen to reason.’
‘So he’s just like you, then?’
Alejandro stiffened. ‘Excuse me?’