Page 24 of Innocent in His Diamonds
He merely shrugged and strode for the door. ‘Rest assured, any punishment I exact will be willingly accepted.’
‘Dream on!’
He merely smiled. ‘We’ll see.’
She forced herself to take her time. She straightened her jacket, picked up the paper from the floor and placed it on the coffee table. Going to her bedroom, she scooped up her purse and the coat Mathilde had lent her. Shrugging it on, she fastened the belt and returned to the living room.
Bastien hadn’t moved an inch. She slid past him and tried to ignore him as they rode the lift down.
The grand hotel’s opulent foyer barely sparked her interest. It took every ounce of her willpower just to put one foot in front of the other, to follow Bastien’s lengthy stride through the revolving doors to the car waiting at the kerb.
As they travelled along the cold streets of Geneva she struggled to come up with something to say, but appealing to Bastien’s better nature would be a waste of time.
A quick glance showed he’d become engrossed in a stack of papers, his pen flying as he drew harsh lines through the document.
‘Will you need me to speak to
the board?’
The newspaper article had worsened her position. Firing her had become a real option now.
Bastien’s lips firmed. ‘The damage is already done.’
‘What does that mean?’
‘It means that now you get to reap the results of your little experiment.’
Her trepidation mounted as they drew up outside a large, elegant stone building. They’d left the gleaming, modern glass edifices behind a short while ago and entered the Old Town.
A liveried doorman complete with white gloves glided to the door and held it open. As she stepped into Bastien’s lair Ana was aware that she could be leaving here with the course of her life very much altered.
Plush cream carpeting muffled their footsteps. Impressive paintings graced the walls—discreet, yet sure to make an impact on the super-rich clients lucky enough to be invited to invest with the Heidecker Corporation.
From behind a semi-circular reception desk a superbly coiffed receptionist greeted Bastien. ‘The board members are assembled in the usual room, Monsieur Heidecker.’
He nodded. ‘Merci, Chloe. Can you tell Tatiana to meet us outside the boardroom?’
‘Of course.’ Her glance at Ana held unabashed curiosity as she picked up the phone to do Bastien’s bidding.
He stepped into the lift and pressed a button. ‘Tatiana’s my PA. She’ll make you comfortable while I’m in the meeting.’
Irritation surged through her. ‘So I’m expected to just cool my heels? I could’ve stayed at the hotel.’
‘We’ve already had this conversation. Where I go, you go,’ he reiterated arrogantly.
‘You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?’ she snapped.
‘Why the sudden eagerness to present yourself to the board? I seem to recall you jumping out of a moving car to avoid coming here.’ His eyes skimmed over her. ‘You’ve even gone to great lengths to improve your appearance. Why is that, Miss Duval?’
‘Do you always jump to the worst possible conclusions about everyone, or am I just flavour of the month?’
His brows merely lifted a fraction.
‘Of course it wouldn’t have occurred to you that I want this over and done with so I can get on with my life?’
A cynical smile twisted his sensual lips. ‘Missing the thrill of the limelight?’
‘No—just eager to get away from you and your warped ideas about me. I can’t help but feel the more time I spend in your presence, the more I risk contamination from your twisted impressions of the human race.’