Page 72 of The Price of Success
The stark need to do just that frightened her. ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to leave? I can go home for a few days before the team leaves for Abu Dhabi next week. Maybe it’s for the best.’
‘And maybe you need to shut up. Just for one damn moment,’ he snarled, then grabbed her arm and turned her into his body.
The heat of his mouth devoured hers. Fiery sensation was instantaneous. Sasha held nothing back. Her fingers gripped his nape, luxuriating in the smooth skin before spearing upward to spread through his hair. His deep groan echoed hers. Willingly, she let her mouth fall open, let his tongue invade to slide deliciously against hers.
His hand snaked around her waist and veered downwards, bringing her flush against his heated body. Need flooded her. To be this close again with him, to feel him, to be with him, made her body, her heart sing.
She wanted to be close. Closer. Physically and emotionally. Because … Because …
Infinitely glad he’d shed his jacket, she explored the large expanse of his shoulders.
When the demands of oxygen forced them apart his gaze stayed on her. One hand cupped her bottom. Against her belly she felt the ripe force of his erection.
‘You do realise we’re making out under a car, don’t you?’ she asked huskily.
‘It’s the only thing stopping me from pulling you on top of me and burying myself inside you. Tell me you missed me.’
‘I missed you.’
‘Bueno.’ He fastened his mouth to hers once more.
By the time he freed her and pulled them from underneath the car her brain had become a useless expanse seeking only the pleasure he could provide. When he undressed her, led her to the back door of a 1938 Rolls-Royce, she was a willing slave, ready to do his every bidding.
Snagging an arm around her waist, he speared a hand through her hair and tilted her face to his. ‘You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.’
‘What?’ she breathed.
His mouth swooped, locked on the juncture where her shoulder met her neck, where her pulse thundered frantically.
Her blood surged to meet his mouth. When his teeth grazed her skin she cried out. The eroticism of it was so intense that liquid heat pooled between her legs, where she throbbed, plumping up for the studied and potent possession only he could deliver.
He took his time, tasted her, his mouth playing over the delicate, intensely aroused skin. Just when she thought it couldn’t get any more pleasurable his tongue joined in. Ecstasy lashed at her insides, creating a path of fire from her neck to her breasts, to her most sensitive part and down to her toes. Nowhere was safe from the utter bliss rushing through her.
Finally, satisfied, he lifted his head. He took a step forward, then another, until the edge of the car seat touched her calves. With his gentle push she fell back onto the wide seat.
He followed immediately, his warmth surrounding her. In his arms she felt delicate, cared for, as if she mattered. As if she was precious. Which was silly. For Marco this was just sex. But for her …
She shut her mind off the painful train of thought. ‘I thought you wanted me on top?’
His teeth gleamed in a slow, feral smile. ‘In good time, mi tentación. We have a long way to go. Now, don’t move.’
He cupped her breasts, toying with the nipples, torturing her for so long she wriggled with pleasure.
‘I said don’t move,’ he gritted through clenched teeth, the harsh stamp of desire tautening his face.
‘You expect me to just lie here like a ten-dollar hooker?’
Despite the intense desire threatening to swallow them whole, laughter rumbled through his chest. ‘Never having been graced with the attentions of a ten-dollar hooker, I can’t answer that. But if you don’t stop tormenting me with your body I won’t be responsible for my actions.’
‘Oh, now you’re just threatening me with a good time.’
‘Dios, woman. Your mouth …’
‘You want to kiss it?’ It was more of a plea than a question. Her head rose off the seat in search of his.
He pulled away. ‘It’s a weapon of man’s destruction.’
She groaned. ‘You can always kiss me to shut me up. I can’t promise I won’t blow you away, though.’