Page 73 of Crown Prince's Bought Bride
‘ intend to set me free?’ she whispered raggedly.
‘That was my intention the morning after our wedding night...for all of half a second. But to do that I’d have to rip my own heart out because you’re so imbedded in it. I can’t live without you, Maddie. I was relieved when you insisted on coming back to the palace. But having you close without having you is torture. So I’m here to plead for a fresh start. To see if there is a way we can start over regardless of what the test results show.’ His nostrils flared as he inhaled sharply. ‘That means you’re not allowed to leave me,’ he stated.
A tremulous smile broke free. ‘I’m not, am I?’
A mixture of pleading and determination stamped his face. ‘I’ll do whatever you want. We can return to the Amber Palace or we can live here. The staff tell me you’ve grown attached to the maze at the Amber Palace.’
‘It was a place to lose myself for a few hours when I missed you so badly.’
Silver-grey eyes lit up with a churning of emotions so vivid her breath caught. ‘I love you, Maddie. Give me another chance. I vow never to be separated from you again.’
‘I’ll have you on one condition, Remi.’
He inhaled sharply. ‘Name it and it’s yours.’
‘Kiss me, Remi. Love me. Make me yours again. Please.’
He kissed her with a ferocious hunger that filled the ache in her heart. And when he caught her hand and led her through to his suite Maddie went willingly.
She let him take off her clothes and lay her on his bed. When he undressed and pulled her into his arms, she slid her hand over his jaw.
‘Si, amore dea?’
‘I love you, too.’
His eyes blazed bright for endless moments before he blinked. ‘Will you stay with me? Be my queen? Reign by my side?’
‘On one condition...’
He caught and kissed the palm of her hand. ‘Celeste’s belongings were returned to her parents the morning after our wedding. There’s no trace of her in our home and the staff are under strict instructions to speak as much or as little about her as you dictate. She was a part of me, but she’s in my past now. Your strength, your devotion, your courageous challenges and the way you never back down are what I yearn for in my life. What I hope to be privileged enough to receive every day for as long as we live.’
Tears clogged her throat. ‘Oh, Remi.’
‘It’s my turn to demand a kiss.’
She wrapped willing and loving arms around him and gave herself up to him. Then silence reigned as they gave in to bliss.
Two hours later, freshly showered, they descended the grand staircase hand in hand.
To the news from the doctor that she was indeed carrying the Montegovan heir.
Remi promptly swept her off her feet and carried her back upstairs.
After calling his mother to tell her the news, they called her father. Hearing him happy and healthy brought fresh tears to her eyes. She rang off with a promise to visit with Remi, after which she slid back into her husband’s arms.
‘Are you ready to be a father?’
Eyes feverish with love consumed her as his hand splayed over her belly. ‘With you by my side, I can face anything.’
‘God, how can love hurt and make me so happy at the same time?’
‘Because it’s the most powerful emotion of all. And I’m blessed to have yours.’
‘I love you. For ever, Remi.’
‘Siempre, mia regina.’