Page 54 of Crown Prince's Bought Bride
‘Under an hour.’
‘I’m surprised you’re allowed this mode of transport. Your bodyguards must be beside themselves.’
The rarest of smiles twitched his lips, and she burned with the need to see the full force of it.
‘They’re close by.’
She turned her head and met his gaze again. ‘Really?’
His smile widened a touch as he nodded his head over his right shoulder. A glance in that direction only showed her a speck on the horizon. On closer inspection, though, she noticed it was a helicopter, flying out of sound range.
‘Have you ever known true privacy?’
He shrugged. ‘It’s easier to just let them do their thing. They know when not to intrude.’ His gaze slowly raked her, returning with a banked heat that enflamed her. ‘That will be as close as they will get in the next five days.’
‘You mean the Amber Palace has its own security?’
He lifted his glass and took a long sip before answering. ‘Do you really wish to know?’
The butterflies somersaulted in her belly. ‘Why else would I ask?’
‘Perhaps you’re trying to avoid discussing what’s coming?’
She took another large gulp of champagne in a wild bid to steady her nerves, but the glass shook as she lowered it and read the look on his face. Remi wasn’t attempting to hide his hunger for her.
‘Is there any point in discussing it?’ she asked, in a voice that emerged unsteadily.
He shook his head. ‘No, only the absolute certainty that I will make you mine before the night is through.’
The deep timbre of his voice invaded her being, more intoxicating than the champagne in her hand. Another shiver rolled over her when his hand closed over hers, resting on the lip of the basket.
‘It would please me to know that you’re not attempting to get tipsy.’
‘I’m not,’ she said hurriedly.
‘You barely touched your meal,’ he stated.
‘Are you trying to ruin my buzz?’ she murmured.
His gaze raked her face and settled on her mouth. ‘The only buzz I want you to experience is the sensation of having me buried deep inside you. I will accommodate no other.’
She swayed against him. An actual weak-at-the-knees sway that he halted with a firm hand on her waist. And there his hand stayed for the duration of their flight.
After she gave a helpless, unfettered moan.
After he leaned down and slowly, thoroughly, tasted her lips.
After she forgot about everything—including the technician whose back was discreetly turned to them as they continued to soar through the sky.
After it struck her hard that she was living the most exquisite moment of her life, with the last of the setting sun in front of her and the darkening of the capital city behind them.
Tears rose to her eyes as with their descent a boom of fireworks ripped through the sky, painting the darkening curtain of night with exhilarating colour.
She snatched in a stunned breath. ‘God, it’s wonderful!’
The hand branding her waist tightened and Remi pulled her close, until her back rested against his broad chest.
‘Yes,’ he said simply, before his lips brushed her temple.