Page 43 of The Sicilian's Banished Bride
God, she remembered that all too well. ‘Fine, if I’d come to you three years ago and told you your cousin was making my life a living hell behind your back, what would you have said?’
Without missing a beat, Rocco replied, ‘I would’ve demanded an explanation from him.’
‘Just like that? And if he’d denied it?’
‘You’re so sure he would’ve?’
‘I don’t know. But I didn’t want to risk it!’
His face darkened. ‘You didn’t want to hurt my feelings or didn’t want to risk not being believed? Which was it, Mia?’
‘Either. Both.’ She rubbed her throbbing temples. ‘I’m not sure exactly what you want from me but it’s a waste of both our time to second-guess the past. We are where we are.’
‘Sì, we are.’
The change in his voice sent a different sensation charging through her body. That latent passion covered by the thinnest veneer of civility was rumbling again, like the not so dormant volcano this part of the world was known for. A single glance showed the innate sensuality was rousing, an uncoiling beast ready to strike.
bsp; For the first time, Mia became vividly aware of her surroundings. The vast queen-sized bed a few feet away. The wide, sumptuous chaise longue, which seemed entirely adequate for a torrid tryst set before the perfect backdrop of French doors and the ocean beyond. The ankle-deep carpet beneath her feet.
Even the thought that Allegra might have picked every item in this room didn’t stop flames from invading her belly, her nipples from tightening to painful buds as lust roared to life within her.
‘There’s one more thing we never got around to discussing yesterday,’ Rocco rasped, sauntering towards her.
To step back would’ve exhibited weakness, to look away, the same. She did neither, even though she felt the ground tilt beneath her when he slid his hand over her nape, then up through her hair.
‘What...what is it?’
‘I allowed your wish to have separate suites. But outside this room we present a united front. No one, especially my grandmother, will know that our marriage isn’t...for the lack of a better word, completely fulfilled.’
‘Which means what, exactly? That I should pretend to be infatuated with you?’
A glint lit his eyes, wholly enigmatic enough to send frissons of excitement-tinged alarm through her. ‘I wouldn’t be so insensitive as to ask you for a performance you can’t pull off. Attempting to withstand being in the same room without wishing for the ankle monitor you referred to should suffice.’
She hated herself for the searing bruise in the region of her heart at his rancour. ‘I think I can bring myself to do that.’
His eyes narrowed a touch, then his gaze dropped to her mouth. ‘Just so we’re clear, that may include physical gestures,’ he rasped.
‘Because you don’t wish to throw your virile masculinity into question?’ she taunted, despite every instinct warning her it was unwise to remain this close. To not protest the slow, hypnotic circles he was drawing on her skin.
‘We both know I have no qualms in that regard. But just say the word, and I’ll happily demonstrate.’
‘No, thank you,’ she said, cringing when her voice all but wobbled.
He leaned in closer. ‘Are you quite sure?’
Mia cast around frantically for something to dilute this thickening fog of lust threatening to consume her. ‘What about Allegra?’
He frowned. ‘What about her?’
‘Did we need to run our performances past her too? Because she seems to be running things around here.’
He shrugged. ‘Allegra likes to feel needed. She never expected to be widowed at this stage in her life. She’s doing what she needs to cope.’
Is that all? she wanted to ask. But she held the question in, part of her feeling ungracious at suspecting the woman’s motives. ‘Fine. Is that all?’
The question wasn’t framed in a provocative way. But still it seemed to spark something to life. Something that needed very little in the way of kindling to come alive.