Page 33 of The Sicilian's Banished Bride
Still a little shaken and more than curious at his revelation, she took a moment to gather her wits. ‘I didn’t intend to throw Gianni into the deep end of the relationship-with-family pool by uprooting him to Italy.’
‘And I will not be sidelined to part-time parenthood. Gianni is mine. You will give me the chance to get to know him as I haven’t been able since his birth.’
‘And what I want and what’s best for Gianni doesn’t matter?’
The shrewd gleam in his eyes said he had the answer to that too. ‘You disagree that what’s best for Gianni is to be with both his mother and father?’
‘Of course not,’ she bristled.
‘Then it helps immensely that I know you love Italy. Almost as much as I do.’
She had, once upon a time. Had uprooted her life for him and blissfully contemplated becoming an Italian citizen after they were married without a single regret. She’d never really got around to learning Italian because their work had been based mostly in the Middle East, but she’d loved everything about Italy and had looked forward to spending the rest of her life there with him. How stupid she’d been. And now he was proposing she go back to where he had dismantled her whole life?
No way was that happening.
‘That was a long time ago. I’ve made a life for myself and Gianni in England and I intend to keep on living here.’
‘Answer me this, Mia. Why did you go to the trouble to contact me three years ago if you didn’t want me to play a part in our child’s life?’ he asked ‘Was it because you didn’t want to revisit what happened to you with your own father on our son?’
A cold, heavy stone settled in her belly. And she couldn’t even blame him for cleverly using her history against her. Because it was the truth.
Her own loneliness and abandonment issues had been acute and painful, a past she carried with her as a reminder to not let her own child endure the pain she’d suffered. And yes, she had hoped in some secret part of her that Rocco, learning of the child she carried, would rethink his absolute rejection of her, let her back into his life.
But that was before the scales had fallen from her eyes. That was before she’d fathomed the depths of his ruthlessness. Who was to say that this wasn’t another calculated scheme on his part to lure her into his web?
‘Well?’ he pushed.
She looked deeper into his eyes, unable to remain unaffected by the turbulent gleam that suggested this was important to him. ‘For good or ill, I believe every child has the right to know his parents.’ Before the turbulence turned into triumph, she rushed on, ‘But expecting me to blithely step back in time and pick up where we left off...’ She tailed off when his eyes conducted that heated exploration again, stripping her of every ounce of composure.
‘Perhaps not pick up exactly where we left off, but I don’t see why some things can’t go back to the way they were.’
‘Whatever you’re implying, I suggest you stop.’ She’d intended to snap her response. Only it emerged uneven, detonated by that vicious thrill of excitement that simply refused to die. The memory of the torrid kiss in the car kept pushing to the front of her thoughts, reminding her of his skill as a lover, the insatiable depths of his passion, and her eager acceptance of everything he had to give.
Heat bloomed in her belly as he watched her with that knowing look. The one that mocked her every attempt at keeping cool, calm and collected.
‘You can have your old position back,’ he murmured, his voice deep and low and tempting enough to make her believe he was the devil himself, handing Eve the doomed apple.
Her heart lurched, thumping hard against her ribs.
He waited, watchful, taunting her with the knowledge that she was tempted. Oh, so tempted. She knew he wanted her to ask which position he was referring to, the subtle double entendre simply waiting to catch her out.
After a moment, where she battled against the drowning sensation, he added, ‘Think of how much easier your life would be if you had it all back. How difficult things could get if you have to start from scratch. Is that what you really want, Mia?’ he taunted softly, dangerously.
‘Is that what this all boils down to? You threatening to withhold restoring my reputation if I don’t agree to come to Palermo?’
His jaw gritted for a moment. ‘You were an asset in my company before you decided to defect. Provided your skills haven’t grown rusty, I could use someone with your expertise.’
‘I didn’t defect,’ she snapped.
He didn’t acknowledge her denial with so much as a blink. ‘I don’t need to threaten you. Contingent upon a few things, you can have your old position back.’ He snapped his fingers. ‘Just like that.’
‘Contingent upon what?’
‘The only reason I’ll let you back is if you agree that you and I will be working very closely together. Where I can keep an eye on you. You will not be left to your own devices.’
‘Next you’ll be suggesting I wear an ankle monitor like a common criminal.’
His lips twisted with genuine amusement. ‘Not an offer I’d have thought of myself. Thanks for the suggestion but maybe not. I don’t think it’s a good look for Vitelli Construction.’