Page 15 of The Sicilian's Banished Bride
Astonishment lent strength to legs as she lurched upright. ‘Wait a minute. Are you accusing me of making this up? Are you crazy?’
Rocco’s head went up as if he’d been struck. ‘On the contrary, I think you’re the one who’s impaired in some way.’
‘Damn it, I am not making this up. You know I’m not!’
‘Prove it. Show me some concrete evidence that my child is not in the care of a delusional excuse for a mother. Prove what you are saying or, so help me, I will take immediate steps to have him removed from your care.’ He spoke in such a controlled, even tone and perversely that made Mia want to lash out at him even more.
Stark anger at his threat made her gasp in outrage. ‘You bastard! You utterly heartless bastard. Haven’t you done enough?’
‘Obviously not. I should have kept a closer watch on you after we parted. You’re not the first aggrieved ex-lover to attempt to keep a father from his child.’ His jaw clenched hard on the words.
Mia clenched her fists and tried to take a deep breath. With every bone in her body, she wanted to tell him for the hundredth time to go to hell.
But what good would that achieve? Rocco had already been here far too long. Gianni had been asleep far longer than normal, but he wouldn’t be asleep for much longer. And whatever the cost, she had to make sure Rocco wasn’t here when her son woke up.
‘You want evidence? I’ll show it to you. But first I want something from you.’
‘I don’t think—’
‘I don’t care what you think. You claim you don’t know what I’m talking about. Fine. I’ll prove what I’m saying. But first, I want your written assurance that your being here won’t be held against me in any way.’
She saw his puzzled frown and pre-empted his objection. ‘Please spare me another I-have-no-idea-what-you’re-talking-about episode. If you want to see the evidence, then you’ll agree.’
After a terse silence, he nodded. ‘Very well.’
She stifled a sigh of relief. ‘Secondly, once I show it to you, I want you to leave.’
Immediately he shook his head. ‘That would be impossible.’
‘Then you leave me no choice.’
Trying to hide her trembling, she crossed the room and picked up the phone.
‘What do you think you’re doing?’
‘I have an intruder in my house. I’m phoning the police.’
He didn’t so much as flinch at her threat. ‘Don’t be stupid. How do you think the police will react when they find out just how long the intruder has been here?’
‘Then go! I don’t want you here.’ Tears threatened, joining all the tumultuous emotions raging through her. ‘Please, just go.’
For a beat he stared at her. Examined her face with an intensity that shook her insides. Then, he jerked out a nod. ‘Va bene. You have my word. I will leave once you show me this evidence you have. But before you look so pleased, rest assured, I will be back tomorrow morning, when I expect to be properly introduced to my son. After that we will have a long talk.’
‘There’s nothing to talk about.’ Her voice held a desperate edge she prayed he hadn’t picked up on.
‘Show me the evidence, Mia.’
‘Then you’ll go?’
He heaved a frustrated breath. ‘Sì.’
She walked over to the cabinet set against one side of the tiny room. Opening the first drawer, she took out a key, which she used to open the second drawer. She hated the way her hands trembled as she pulled out the file, hated the way pain ripped through her as she nudged closed the drawer and turned around. Most of all, she hated the way Rocco stared so intently, witnessing every emotion she struggled not to feel as he held out his hand calmly for the file.
Taking it without a word, he retreated and seated himself on her favourite chair—and earned himself another black mark.
She stood in front of the cabinet and watched him leaf slowly through the file. He thumbed through copies of the emails she’d sent in desperation after he’d refused to take her calls; through photos his investigators had taken of her outside his office, chasing down his car on the road that last morning when he’d taken his private elevator to the garage instead of the front lobby as she’d been led to believe. That day she’d spent six hours in his reception waiting for a chance to speak to him, only to glance up and see him outside, preparing to slide into his Ferrari.
That memory brought a fresh wave of humiliation.