Page 49 of Kidnapped For His Royal Heir (Passion in Paradise)
It felt heavenly, so soothing she couldn’t hold back a moan.
Zak froze, his eyes dark and ravenous as he stared down at her. Her breath caught, her temperature ramping up at the blatantly carnal gaze he didn’t bother to disguise. His hand continued its gentle ministrations, over her cheeks, her jaw, down to the wild tattoo beating at her throat.
He noted the helpless little shiver that went through her, tossed the towel into the sink, then moved purposefully between her knees. Still pinning her with his potent gaze, he slid his fingers into her hair, angled her face up to his.
‘Wh-what are you doing?’
‘We’re having a moment, Violet. Just let it be,’ he rasped.
A deep yearning to do exactly as he wished saturated her veins. But all he did was run his thumb over her lower lip, seemingly content to just caress her, while she craved more. So much more than was wise.
Sharp disappointment lanced her when he stepped back and released her.
His gaze remained latched on her mouth for another spell before his eyes rose to hers. ‘The truce, Violet. Will you accept it?’ he pressed.
The thought of returning to cold detachment didn’t appeal. She didn’t intend to turn warm and fuzzy, she remained his captive after all. But... ‘Yes. But with a stipulation of my own.’
He tensed. ‘Si?’
‘Three days. That’s all I’ll give you.’
Determination blazed in his eyes. ‘One week.’
She rolled hers. ‘Fine. One week. After that I’m getting off this island, even if I have to swim.’
One brow mockingly cocked. ‘Is that so?’
‘Si,’ she mimicked him. ‘That, or I go back to driving you crazy.’
His nostrils flared and something curiously close to relish lit his eyes before he veiled his expression. ‘Agreed.’
It felt far too easy but with his iron-willed control back in place, she couldn’t read him. Especially not when he held out his hand again.
‘Despite your stubborn refusal to stray beyond the swimming pool, you must be dying to see the rest of the island.’
She was. Especially the green hills teeming with vegetation that bordered the north side of the island. She looked down at herself. ‘Do I need to change?’
His hot gaze raked her, leaving every exposed inch of her skin hyperaware and sensitive. ‘You’re fine as you are. Come.’
Not even the imperious command eroded her excitement as they left the villa and headed for the fleet of sleek custom-made golf buggies she’d seen the staff use. Zak chose the most pristine one, a six-seater complete with air-conditioning and drinks cabinet.
After seeing her seated, he slid behind the wheel. Violet averted her gaze from his strong, muscled thighs and the brawny forearms. She knew the chaos that body could wreak on hers.
Despite having her world reduced to several thousand square feet for the last two weeks, albeit in unspeakable luxury, she experienced a trace of apprehension as they left the villa behind.
Realising she was in danger of growing attached to her prison or, even worse, falling in love with Zak’s villa, she stopped herself from looking back, concentrating on the swaying palm trees that gradually gave way to denser vegetation and steeper hills.
‘How big is this place?’ she asked, desperate to dilute the sensually charged atmosphere and Zak’s unapologetic gaze that raked over her every few minutes.
If she’d devised a way to drive him to the edge by her indifference, he’d found a much more effective way of returning the favour with his blatant scrutiny.
‘Altogether, it’s over three thousand square acres. There are three separate beaches and a natural diving platform, among several interesting things.’
Those interesting things left her awed and dumbstruck.
The island was ninety per cent self-sufficient. A small desalination and water purification plant recycled sea-and rainwater for the island, solar panels provided electricity and an unobtrusive water irrigation system served a farm that reared a handful of Wagyu beef cattle, free-range chickens and provided an extensive selection of vegetables.
Despite the size of the island, it turned out that less than a quarter of the acreage had been developed, leaving the rest as a nature preserve with a dozen tastefully blended eco-lodges for the super-wealthy who wished to enhance their awareness of conservation.