Page 22 of Kidnapped For His Royal Heir (Passion in Paradise)
A flash of emotion, possibly hurt, darted across her face. ‘And you’re, what, positioning yourself as my champion? To save me from myself? Why?’
‘Because we’re leaving tomorrow. And I’d prefer you to be at your best, not hung over and jet-lagged when we return to New York.’
Her alluring eyes widened, right before she frowned. ‘We’re leaving? But we’ve only been here a week.’
Considering the words spilling from his lips were a surprise to him as well, he absorbed the astonishment well, he thought. Congratulated himself on the inspired thinking, even. ‘Do you think there’s something more you can learn by remaining here?’ he countered.
She bit her lip. ‘No, I’m sure I can put together an eco-lodge in my sleep now. But I thought we...that I was staying to see this project through.’
‘I’ve changed my mind. Why waste more time here when you can gain more experience on the next project?’
He could tell she was torn between the need to argue and the need to accept the carrot he was dangling. ‘Where are we going next?’
Zak shrugged. ‘I have to return to Montegova at the end of the month. Until then, my itinerary is fluid but it doesn’t lack requests for my presence at various projects. Who knows, perhaps I’ll let you pick the next destination.’
She turned away, casting a longing look over the site and the surrounding landscape. ‘This is a beautiful place. I was looking forward to my half-day off tomorrow to explore.’
Another spur-of-the-moment thought hit him. ‘You’ll have to make do with a visit to the phase two site, provided you can be ready to go immediately?’
She faced him again, surprise reflected in her eyes. ‘I... Of course.’ She looked down at her stained and work-worn clothes. ‘Give me a few minutes to change and clean up and I’ll join you.’
He shook his head, a stab of impatience driving him harder. ‘You’re not attending a red carpet event, Violet. You’re fine as you are. You can shower when we get back. Or, if you insist, there’s a lake you can use to wash up when we get to the site.’
Mutiny rose in her eyes and Zak’s muscles tightened, anticipation flowing through him at the thought of tussling further with her. But she tossed her head and with a shrug waved a hand at him. ‘Fine. Let’s go.’
She headed towards the area where the vehicles were parked. Zak let her go while he issued quick instructions to his bodyguard. The guard nodded and sprinted into action.
‘How long is the drive?’ she asked when he reached her.
‘Normally an hour, but we’re not driving. We’re taking the chopper. Come.’
The pregnant chef had been evacuated two days previously at the first signs of her labour, reducing the likelihood that the aircraft would be needed in the next few hours.
When they reached it, he held the door open for her, unable to resist glancing at her smooth bare legs as she slid into the seat. Her eyes widened when he took the pilot’s seat, leaving three of his bodyguards in the main cabin.
‘You’re flying this thing?’ she asked, tentatively taking the headset from him.
He didn’t miss her scepticism. ‘Courtesy of a full licence from the air force, I’m quite capable of it, Violet. No need to be afraid.’
He was gratified to see the scepticism melt from her eyes, although he wasn’t quite sure how long his groin would sustain the pressure at the sight of her breasts outlined by the dissection of the seat belt.
He was still debating the wisdom of this tour when he lifted off and headed east.
Through the mic attached to the headset, Zak heard her soft gasp as he set down ten minutes later on the flat landscape near the edge of Lake Lengai. Once again Tanzania was showing off its jaw-dropping beauty with another stunning sunset but this time against the backdrop of a cascading waterfall thundering into a shallow pool that fed into the lake below.
He’d chosen this spot for phase two primarily for the ready fresh-water source, but watching Violet dart from the chopper, unabashed joy on her face as she raced towards the waterfall, Zak took a reluctant beat to see the land through her eyes, to appreciate the beauty of his surroundings.
When he joined her, she was straightening from leaning down to run her fingers through the clear water. ‘It’s...beyond spectacular,’ she said a touch reverently, a lot mournfully.
‘Your tone suggests differently.’
‘Because the pool is shallow and wildlife-free. I would’ve brought a swimsuit with me if I’d known.’
Immediately, his brain supplied him with a vivid picture of her clad in a bikini. He shifted, almost growling at his body’s eager response.
His shrug was a masterclass in fabricated calm. ‘We’re both adults, Violet. Unless you’re once again naked beneath those shorts and T-shirt, you can improvise.’
In the fading light, colour washed her cheeks, strumming an elusive thought that faded before he could grasp it. ‘That’s none of your business. Shall we get on with the tour?’