Page 136 of The Darkest Temptation (Made 3)
Andrei groaned, and I pulled Vadim to the back door, finished with the conversation.
“Wait!” Nadia pleaded. “Come over tonight.”
“No thanks,” I chuckled. “I’m not a fan of queues.” My skin crawled at the thought of fucking Nadia ever again. I’d rather stick my cock in a seedy gloryhole.
Not to mention, I hadn’t been using a condom with Mila and refused to wear one now. I may not want to think about her, but I knew I wouldn’t have the willpower to stop fucking her, so that meant my dick had her name on it for the time being. Fuck . . . That sounded like monogamy. Odd the thought didn’t seem to bother me as long as Mila was in my bed.
“Andrei, you have a minute to finish her off, then get your ass out here to unload.”
“Got it, boss.”
“Ronan, wait—”
The back door slammed shut behind me.
Kostya was already helping the driver unload the truck filled with frozen meat and cocaine. I released Vadim, who stumbled in a dreamy state of preteen lust before catching his footing.
“Damn,” he mumbled and shook his head as if to clear it. “I think I’m in love.”
I laughed. “You’ll change your mind when you realize you have standards. Or just one.”
“I don’t know what those are, but when I saw her, it was like I couldn’t breathe. Then I felt . . . tingly all over.”
Kostya propped the back door open with a crate. “Sounds like crabs.”
Vadim frowned. “Shut up. I ain’t got crabs.”
“Only because you’ve never got your dick wet.”
The kid reddened. “Maybe ’cause I have standards.”
“You didn’t even know what those were a second ago.”
I took the clipboard from the driver, scrawled my signature, and handed it back.
“I do now,” Vadim returned stubbornly. “And I realize I have them.”
“So you would definitely protest if Nadia Smirnova wanted you to fuck her when Andrei’s finished.”
Vadim’s expression was torn, which made everyone laugh.
“Don’t think about it too hard,” Kostya said. “It’ll never happen. You don’t have a single thing a woman would want.”
“What do women want?”
Listening to their conversation, I bummed a cigarette from the driver and leaned against the truck.
“Money,” his brother told him.
This was apparently bad news for Vadim, who glanced at his scuffed boots before asking, “What else?”
“A big dick.”
The kid raised a brow. “So you don’t have what women want either.”
I blew out of a breath of smoke with a chuckle.
“You little shit.” Kostya dropped his crate and took off for Vadim, who hightailed it down the alley, hurling insults about his brother’s small dick the whole way.