Page 15 of Melodic Madness (Coveting Delirium 2)
“So is what we’ve been doing to keep our family's fortune going.”
“That it is.”
The lock pad released a low beep, the digital screen flashing green twice followed by the locking mechanism undoing itself.
“Where’s Demitri?”
“He’s already with our pilot. You know what to do. We’ll be down with them shortly.”
She gave me a two-finger salute and then quickly slipped through the door to go downstairs.
My task now was to get the girls prepped. On the counter beside my stove was a small two-tiered stand holding up a double flavored cake.
I would never lie about dessert. This was the least I could do for these people. A small parting gift of sorts. My mother had them specially ordered from a place they could only dream of being able to afford. It was a delicacy they should feel most grateful for.
I pulled back the thick satin cloth to double-check that everything on the bottom tier was in place. Two capped paralytics rested between shined silverware. I recovered them and carefully carried the dessert stand into the dining room.
Amber clasped her hands together and let out a sound of excitement. “Ohhh, that looks amazing.”
“It tastes even better,” Kyle enthused.
I sat the cake near the center of the table and then eased the cutting knife out from beneath the satin covering.
“Chocolate or lemon?”
“Whichever you like the most,” Patricia replied.
“I’ll have the same as her,” Amber said.
I quickly cut two slices of lemon and placed them on the dishes specifically set aside for this. Niklaus returned just as I was setting the plates before the girls.
“Is it dessert time already?”
“What took you so long?”
“You know Bec. Sometimes she needs…” he shot a look in Amber and Patricia’s direction.
He didn’t need to say anymore. His dick had handled the situation for him. I couldn’t care less about that. Rebecca had been passed around our whole circle at least twice.
My only qualm was that he had another woman to look after now and until we dealt with Bec officially it was in his best interest to be careful. I wasn’t the only one she felt possessive of.
“We’ll need to get rid of that sooner than later.”
“Just say when,” he replied flippantly.
I’m glad he was on the same page as me. I had given too many warnings to let this ever happen again. She was extremely bitter she no longer had the honor of sucking my dick but was too greedy not to stop riding my brothers. If that’s all she was doing, we wouldn’t have a problem. It was her animosity towards Catalina that I wouldn’t tolerate.
“Oh, this is good!” Patricia exclaimed.
“It is,” Amber agreed around a mouthful of half-chewed cake.
“I told you.”
Niklaus slipped his hands in his pockets and watched as I started clearing more of the table.
“Hey, where’s my plate?”
“Waiting for you to get it yourself.”
Kyle reached across and pretended to help me. He discreetly removed one of the paralytics and gradually worked his way behind Amber’s chair.
She began angling her body towards him. Before she could turn all the way he had the needle inserted into the lower portion of her neck. The smile on her face transformed into an open-mouthed shock. A glob of lemon cake fell onto her lap.
“What the fuck?” Patricia yelled. She jumped up as if to defend her friend. It was already too late for her to act.
I grabbed the second paralytic and passed it off to my brother.
He had the lid popped off and needle pushing into her flesh before she could move more than two or three steps.
“Z, ready?” Kyle asked. He now had Amber’s body in his arms. She blinked rapidly; a low keening sound came from her mouth with a string of drool.
This particular paralyzing agent was one of the fastest we’d tested over the years. Its effects were almost instantaneous and not only blocked all functions of the limbs but the vocal cords.
“Should be. Let’s get them downstairs.”
“You’re the boss,” Niklaus joked, hoisting Patricia over his shoulder.
We found our way down to the basement and passed through my office to join Zoe in the in-home operating room. She’d done most of the prep work already. The operating tables were clear, tools were lined up, and she was dressed accordingly.
Kyle and Niklaus placed both girls down and began the tedious task of removing their clothes while I secured the straps that would keep Patricia in place should the paralytic somehow wear off. One across her throat, another across her hips, and the final restraint just above her ankles.
“Come on, you know those have been handled,” Kyle replied.
“He asks every time,” Zoe lilted, doing Amber’s straps on the opposite table.
I rolled back the sleeves of my button-down and grabbed one of the extra smocks. “It never hurts to--.”
“To be sure,” Niklaus finished. “My anally clinical, sweet baby brother, we have no plans in fucking ourselves over. As far as Dream Garden goes, these two have never been seen there a day in their sad little lives.”