Page 6 of Bred by Her Alien Abductor
She put a hand to her chest. “This mission was too dangerous. You know the humans are not kind. Their self-destructive history should have told you everything you needed to know. I don’t know how you managed to get yourself a female.”
“Do you want to see her?”
“You really do have her?”
He nodded. The excitement from his success flooded him.
Lifting up the camera, he carried it across his ship to where Ella slept. The ship’s radiant glow showed her beauty to perfection.
“This is Ella,” he said.
“She’s asleep.”
“I had to give her something to relax her for the journey.”
“Are you sure about this, son? We have never had a foreigner on our land,” she said.
“I am sure I want to breed with her. She will make a fine mother to my sons and hopefully daughters.” He put a hand on her arm. “She is fit and healthy. Young. She will be an ideal mate for me. I will be able to breed her for many years.”
“Son, you talk of duty right now, but what of love? The bonding is equally important.”
“I don’t care for love. Love is necessary for those who can afford it. I cannot. This is what I need right now.” His heart filled with pride. “I will make her happy.”
“What if she misses her life?” his mother asked. “Her planet.”
“There is nothing for her to miss. No reason for her to stay. I will give her plenty of reasons never to miss her home planet. I will provide a new home.” He stroked a finger down her arm, smiling. Soft, delicate skin. She’d need him to protect her from everything, and he looked forward to the task.
He looked forward to mating her. The brief flash of skin he’d gotten hadn’t been enough. He wanted to see her naked with all those curves she possessed. Her tits and pussy, he wanted to bury his face between both, engorge himself on her soft flesh.
“I must end this call now, Mother. I have preparations to make.”
She wished him luck and a safe journey before ending the call.
He set down his device, putting it back near the front of his ship. Filling his lungs with air, he stared out across the ship. He’d made the right decision. The gamble had paid off.
The hours passed on his journey. He continued to check on Ella. The day wore on, and he made excellent time. He’d hoped for her to wake up so he could explain to her what was happening. As the hours ticked on by, though, he knew there wasn’t going to be enough time to explain everything to her before arriving home.
He tapped his fingers against his thigh, a little perturbed she hadn’t woken up. He hadn’t given her enough relaxer to knock her out this long, at least he hadn’t thought so.
Dhiro sat at the ship’s front, navigating the path to Trenu Zel when he heard her moan, then sudden gasp. He felt her panic.
“Where am I? What’s going on? I don’t understand? Holy shit, are we on a ship? I’ve got to be dreaming. Come on, Ella, wake up. Wake up.”
She cried out and he had no choice but to coast the ship as he got to his feet.
“You? Holy crap. This isn’t a dream, is it? I’m really on an alien spaceship and you’re not really a man, are you? It’s why you speak funny, and why you’re so damn tall and muscular.” She put a hand to her chest. “I was right. I knew I was right. There is other life, and now I’ve been abducted.”
He cupped her face, tilting her head back and forcing her to look into his eyes. “Ella, I am here. You are safe.”
“You did something to me. You experimented on me, didn’t you?”
“It was a mild relaxer.”
“How long have I been here?”
“A few days.”
“A few days!” she cried out. “That’s not a mild relaxer. That’s some kind of freaking sedative. You have to take me back home right now.”
“That is impossible.”
“I traveled a long way to find you. You are my prize now.”
“No, I’m not. I don’t belong to anyone.”
The ship jolted. He’d been away from his post long enough. He grabbed her arm and marched her toward the passenger seat. “Strap yourself in.”
He expected her to argue. She surprised him by strapping in, and then he took complete control, bringing his ship down into the spot his father built to store the ship. It was fitting that his father built the machine that would help him to bring back the woman who’d help him further his line.
As was to be expected at his return, many from his town ran toward his ship, all curious to see if he’d failed or succeeded.
“This can’t be happening.”
“Ella, you, yourself believe in other life forces. You said you wanted to discover life from other planets. I am merely making your dreams come true. Can we come up with a deal?” he asked.