Page 35 of Bred by Her Alien Abductor
“Send me the schematics.”
Dhiro forwarded files and diagrams on the other screen.
He beckoned her closer as they waited for a response. She sat on his lap and he kissed her forehead. “We’re so close to having our happily ever after.”
“Did you read about that from your Earth studies?”
He nodded.
“You’re adorable, and I love you,” she said.
The man returned to the viewscreen. “Dhiro, the mixed-species pregnancy can have many complications only the advanced equipment in our hospitals can handle. Ella needs to get back to Trenu Zel. Your ship’s environmental damage is beyond repair. The oxygen system will only sustain two lives for the voyage back. Any more would stress the system to the point no being could survive the return flight. You must leave Bronn and Kaalen on Earth and return home with your mate immediately.”
Chapter Ten
“You will go,” Bronn and Kaalen both answered at the same time, but Dhiro shook his head.
“No, I cannot leave you both. You should not be punished.” Dhiro knew he rambled, but he was experiencing a great deal of information all at once. His mate was pregnant, and they were never going to terminate her life on Trenu Zel. His ship was only going through the usual protocols and instead of being ready for any of that, he’d acted rashly, and now he had two brothers willing to sacrifice their lives for him.
He couldn’t do it. It was unfair. They had only wanted to help.
“I will stay. Ella can go with you. I’m sure three people will survive. I will stay here.”
“Stop it,” Kaalen said. “You know that’s not possible. We all knew there was a risk and besides, hope is not lost. The government knows we will be stranded here. I have no doubt they will start to craft the proper equipment to come and save us. No hope is lost.”
“Brother, Ella is living proof that your theories were correct. More of our people will want to travel to Earth to get their own mates.”
“I feel sorry for your women,” Ella said.
All the time he’d been talking with his brothers, she’d sat quietly in the corner.
He was worried about the journey having an effect on her. It had been two days since his communication back home, and he’d read one of the pregnancy books that had been available at one of the shops. It had been like a beacon for him to pick up and to read. However, his joy was overshadowed by the guilt of leaving his brothers behind. They didn’t deserve any of this.
“There is nothing to feel sorry about,” Bronn said. “I imagine there is a female sector already preparing to send their first female to find a human mate. I cannot wait for our planet to be full of kids once again. The joy, I can relish it.”
Dhiro smiled. This was the hope he had always wanted to give to his people, but at what cost?
It seemed to be too steep a price.
Rubbing the back of his head, he tried to think of a solution, but the truth was, he’d spent many sleepless nights thinking of ways to help them all return to their planet safely. Fear rushed down his spine. It was an odd feeling as he’d never experienced it.
His brothers hadn’t studied Earth culture and how to blend in like he had, and he’d sucked at it. The first time he was here, he’d been suspected, and the truth was, they already gained so much attention for their sheer size.
The only way his brothers would be safe was if they didn’t partake in any communication with humans. They’d be best not to stay on Earth at all.
“You know the risks of getting caught,” Dhiro said.
Kaalen stood, and rather have his back ramrod straight, he slouched a little. Dhiro noticed a swagger to his walk. “Listen, I don’t know what the fuck your problem is, but you need to take your woman and get her somewhere safe. The safety of like a gazillion people rests in your hands.”
Dhiro frowned at his brother. “I have no idea what you’re doing right now. You sound foolish at best.”
“Exactly.” Kaalen shrugged.
His brother got up, shoved a hand into his pocket, and walked toward him. “Hey, the name’s Bronn. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Why are you talking like that?”
He turned at the sound of Ella’s laughter. “I don’t think you’re getting it because your brothers blend in a little better than you.”
“Well, hello there, sweet thing. I don’t know what planet you came from, but sign me up, gorgeous,” Bronn said.
His protective urges kicked in, and within seconds, he stood in front of his mate. “You need to back off, Bronn.”
Ella grabbed his hand. “Dhiro, stop it. Your brothers are proving to you that they know exactly what they’re doing. In a short time, they have learned to blend in, and I have to say, it’s kind of scary.”