Page 18 of Bred by Her Alien Abductor
“You say that now,” Ella said.
“We will find another way if you’re unable to conceive.”
She nodded but didn’t appear convinced. They’d researched for years, so even Dhiro knew there was no other way. Ella was their last hope.
“Let’s go to mines. It will bring your thoughts to a happier place.”
Dhiro had a small wardrobe brought in with clothes that would fit Ella’s unique figure. She chose to wear a pale-blue dress that hugged her delectable curves. He couldn’t wait to get her back home tonight to indulge in her sweet flesh.
He led her out to his armored vehicle. The ride to the mines was long and crossed questionable land. As a captain on the taskforce, he had to be cautious at work and when off-duty. Now he had precious cargo. News of their enemies gathering and planning had traveled back to them. He didn’t like it but wouldn’t hide in fear of what might happen. His mate wasn’t meant to be caged like an animal, unable to enjoy the freedoms on their planet. He was well trained and would protect her with his life if need be.
Dhiro enjoyed watching her reactions as she gazed out at the landscape. Everything would be a new discovery to her. She experienced life with the zest of a child. She was refreshing, a miracle in his mundane life.
“Do you like what you see?”
“Your planet is amazing. It’s so different, yet similar to Earth in many ways. I feel like I’m in a movie.”
He’d studied the humans’ fascination with cinema. They had an obsession with escaping reality. There was no such thing on Trenu Zel. “A science fiction horror film or a romance?” he asked.
She shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”
At first, he was taken aback until he saw her smile as she turned back to look out the window. He was pleased with his choice. Dhiro had no regrets traveling to Earth for her.
The mines were unlike what she’d seen back home. Ella had explored countless sites on Earth during her studies and researched even more. Her hands were calloused from all the digging she did. She’d cataloged hundreds of rare rocks, minerals, and meteorites. But this … she was on an alien planet. Her colleagues on Earth would be salivating if they could see the things she saw right now. Rather than feeling out of place and terrified with her ordeal, she felt like her abduction was a blessing in disguise. What would she even miss back on Earth?
She doubted her parents would notice her absence. And her dating prospects were non-existent. Trenu Zel was a place she’d only dreamed of when gazing at the stars. But it was a real, tangible place, and Dhiro was any woman’s fantasy. She had a future here, or at least she hoped she did. Her only disappointment was not being able to tell her doubters back home that alien civilizations did exist. No one ever believed her.
“What do you think?”
“I’m excited. Can you tell?”
She jumped down from one boulder and climbed the next, trying to get closer to the entrance of the first cave. It was lined with what looked like precious stones in shades of green.
“Are these emeralds?” Ella ran her hand over the edges jutting out of the stone.
“I believe so. They are not considered valuable here. They’re quite commonplace.”
“They’re breathtaking.”
She reached the entrance and cautiously entered. The interior was dark, but Dhiro was behind her with some type of flashlight. The sparkle and range of colors inside the cave were incredible. Dhiro squatted down and pointed to a smooth white piece of stone.
Ella joined him, their legs brushing. “What is it?”
“This one is of value. Our females use it for jewelry. It is also used in some of our more complex electronics.”
“What do you call it?”
They were so close. His frame much larger than hers. Masculine. He placed the stone in her palm. His hands were warm and strong. Knowing he was hers was deeply satisfying. She still couldn’t believe this was real.
“It’s beautiful.” The stone had an iridescent quality, picking up the minimal lighting as she moved it in her hand.
“I will make you jewels. Anything you desire is yours.” He looked as hungry as she felt. His lips were thick, his jaw chiseled. Every detail about Dhiro aroused her.
“I don’t need anything.” It was true. All she wanted was happiness. She’d never been a materialistic person. Of course, her bank account on Earth had about seventeen cents in it.
“Don’t you?” He rose to his feet and she followed, only reaching his chest. “You forget I can sense your hormonal signatures. They are quite potent to my senses.”
She cringed. “Really? Every time?”
“It’s a convenience for our males. They can satisfy their mates the moment they entertain sexual desires.”
“Men on Earth are much more selfish.”