Page 14 of Bred by Her Alien Abductor
“You’re a very beautiful woman.”
She gave him a soft smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
This wasn’t going well.
Why hadn’t he ignored her need for food and just taken her back home so she’d be comfortable? This was a waste of time.
Their food didn’t take long to arrive.
“Wow,” Ella said. “This is … what is this?”
The burger was known for being good for the body and soul. Lots of beans, spices, and herbs specific unique to their planet. Four patties, lots of green mush sauce to complement the spice.
“It is good for you,” he said.
Amongst their people, the combination of beans and spices was known to help fertility, and he wanted to get Ella as ripe as could be.
She wanted to court, even though her body was ready to be his mate, and he didn’t have a lot of time. What he’d failed to tell her was that there was a time limit on his experiment. If he failed to make the alien pregnant, then her future was taken out of his hands. She’d be removed from his care, and her memories of them together would be wiped clean. Then she’d be sent back to her own planet, where there was a chance she would go mad.
Sending a person back to Earth with their very core stripped down, would be … dangerous.
Ella laughed. “I don’t know if this is going to fit into my mouth.” She picked up the burger, and Dhiro watched in amazement as she took a large bite. She didn’t get the four tiers into her mouth. He’d never seen anyone eat a burger like that before. Everything about her was an amusement.
She closed her eyes and released a moan that went straight to his cock. The sounds coming from her lips should be illegal. There was no way for him to think straight. His mind drifted to the things he could be doing to her to make her moan like that.
Would she be that vocal in bed? She already had more passion than a dozen Trenuian females.
Not only did she make the most pleasant of sounds, but her face, the expressions, they were hypnotizing. Her unrestrained thoughts and feelings were available for all to see.
Ella opened her eyes, and Dhiro became aware she was once again under the spotlight.
“Shit, did I do something wrong?” she asked.
“No. It’s just … we’ve never seen anyone eat a burger like that before.”
She frowned. “But that is how burgers are eaten.”
“Not on this planet.” He picked up the first patty with the green sauce smeared all over the crusty roll. He lifted it to his lips and took a bite.
“Oh, you eat it like cheese on toast.”
This now caused him to frown. “Cheese?”
“Yeah, you know, cheese is made from dairy, which comes from cows.”
“You eat from cow’s milk?” He had seen this process before in his research, but hearing it from Ella, it did all sound strange. Part of him thought it was fictional.
Her cheeks were bright red. “I guess we all have different customs.”
“If you would like to stay and to learn about all of ours, I will be more than happy to teach you everything we know.”
“That is really sweet of you,” she said. “I am staying. You know that. Or do you want to forget the courting?”
“I will court you like you’ve never been courted before.” But he had every intention of being in her bed by the end of the night. The time was ticking down, and now that he had Ella close and victory wasn’t too far, he wasn’t going to give up.
After the food, Ella would be sleepy. The burger was designed to take immediate effect but required rest afterward.
Many women on their planet had consumed many of the burgers in the hopes of getting pregnant, but it hadn’t worked. Nothing could reverse their sterility.
Sure enough, not long after Ella had finished the burger, she covered her mouth, trying to hide the yawn. Her eyes were already drooping.
Maybe he’d miscalculated. She was much smaller than females on his planet.
“I have never felt this sleepy before. Is everything okay?” Just as sleep claimed her, Dhiro captured her in his arms, stopping her from falling to the floor. Several men came rushing forward, as did a couple of women.
Holding her easily in his arms, he faced them. “She is human and is more delicate than us,” he said.
“She is really beautiful,” said one of the men.
“She is,” he said in agreement.
“Can we touch her?” This came from a woman. He knew her request was out of innocent curiosity.
“She needs her rest.” Dhiro moved through the crowd. They all knew to listen to him.
“What’s her name?” one person asked.
“Ella. You will know her as Dhiro’s mate.”
Ella groaned as she came to. The moment she opened her eyes, she became alert to her body within seconds. This had never happened before. First, she hadn’t dreamed. After eating the most amazing burger of her life, her body suddenly felt … different. Her nipples were swollen and an overwhelming need for someone to suck them took over.