Page 25 of His Stripper (Dance For Me)
Having had enough, I push off the chair and head out of my office. Walking through the packed club, I take in my surroundings. Holly is dancing, and a man sits in front, throwing dollar bills on the stage while essentially slobbering on himself.
Samantha gives a middle-aged guy a lap dance in the far-left corner, the hard-on tenting his pants visible from across the room.
This whole place smells of alcohol, sweat, and sex. I never minded it before, and I still don’t really. What I do mind is having Hazel here. She is too good for this place, too pure, too innocent. I feel like I’m tainting her by bringing her here.
Pushing through, I make my way to the lobby. I find Hazel right where I left her, standing behind the desk with a wide smile on her face. That smile brightens even further when she sees me approaching.
“Hey! Checking to see if I’m doing my job?” she jokes.
“Nah, I knew you would do well.”
“I love it! Seriously, I’m so glad you offered me this job. I’m so happy to be able to work and not have to dance. You know… for random men. I loved stripping for you,” she whispers the last part.
“I’m glad you like it. Especially the stripping for me part because that’s definitely happening again… at the house.”
“I’d like that,” she admits. “So, are you going to tell me the real reason you came down here?”
I shrug. “I’m just dragging my ass on doing inventory and bookkeeping today.”
“I can help you,” Hazel offers.
“Yeah? I might take you up on that.” I’ll take any chance to spend some one-on-one time with her.
“I’ve never done it, but I’m a quick learner.”
We’re interrupted by the door opening, and a gust of cool midnight air fills the space while a group of three men walks inside.
“Well, hello there,” one of the men greets as he steps up to the desk.
“Hi!” Hazel chirps. “It’s a twenty-dollar cover charge each.”
“I’ll give you a hundred dollars if the girls on stage look like you.”
Jealousy floods my veins, turning my blood to molten lava as it burns through my body.
“The girls on stage are all gorgeous, I can assure you.” Hazel giggles and takes the twenty-dollar bill from the guy. She hands him a token for a free drink. “Enjoy!”
I watch the other two men pay. Luckily, they don’t flirt with Hazel like the first asshole who already went inside.
“You look grumpy,” Hazel points out when we’re alone again.
“Just ready to go back home.” I shrug.
“How come?” she questions, and I’m unsure if I should tell her the truth.
“I want you to sleep in my bed every night from now on.”
“I’d love to.” She gives me a smile that has my heart racing.
I grin, leaning against the desk. “I guess I’ll go back to my office and try to get some work done. Come up if you need anything.”
“Okay.” She nods, and I force my legs to move.
If I don’t leave her side now, I won’t get any work done for the rest of the night. I look back over my shoulder one last time, and she gives me a tiny wave goodbye before I disappear into the main room.
The moment the door separates us, I feel the loss of her presence. I don’t understand my obsession with her, but I do know I want to spend every minute of the day with her. Each second we’re apart is too much.
Dammit, I’ve turned into a fucking pussy like my brothers.
Checking the time, I realize it’s already one o’clock in the morning. The night went by fast. The constant influx of people kept me busy and made the hours pass quickly. Myles came by two more times to check on me, and even the girls came to say hi before their sets. I really enjoy this job and not just because of the boss.
However, I will have to get used to working so late. I’d be lying to say I’m not tired. I’m just not used to being up so late. I’m exhausted and ready to fall into bed whenever the club closes.
The door opens, and I perk up, plastering a friendly, welcoming smile on my face. That smile disappears in a blink of an eye when I see who just stepped inside the lobby.
Randy looks up at me, and his face fills with surprise. Clearly, he wasn’t expecting to see me here. His shocked expression quickly turns into a cruel smile and lustful gaze.
“I’ll be damned. Too good to suck my dick, but fine with a bunch of strangers, I see?” He leisurely walks over to my desk.
“I work here.” I grit my teeth.
“That’s what I meant.” He grins, leaning against the desk, and I instinctively lean the other way.
“As a hostess. I take the cover charge. It’s twenty dollars, by the way,” I tell him while Randy looks me up and down. I’m wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a black T-shirt with the Vivid logo on my chest. It’s a modest outfit, but with his eyes on me, I feel less covered than the girl on stage.